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The night was a heavy blanket of sadness as Gabriel stumbled into the Agreste Mansion.

This evening had felt like a storm inside him.

So while closing the door shut, this thought of sealing away the pain by his actions in that moment eased his mind a little.

Nevertheless, as the man turned around the shadows in the corners reminded him that he couldn't escape the hurt.

Each step upstairs on the huge marble staircase felt like walking through a memory that had turned sour.

The air held onto moments of joy that had now twisted into something painful.

As he entered his bedroom even the familiar things seemed like strangers in the dim light.

This was meant to be his place where he used to find comfort, find love and keep every memory, except in that moment the grey haired man's room seemed like an island of loneliness.

Regardless of this unwelcome feeling deep in his heart, he still sank onto his bed, letting the softness hug him like a friend...maybe wishing and imagining it was someone like Emilie...or...

With the door closed, he let the tears come.

The bed absorbed the sound of his sobs, and the walls, if they could talk, would try to comfort his poor soul, but the room was a silent witness to his heartache.

Gabriel wanted to let himself feel the pain, knowing that healing had to start from somewhere, but at the same time, it would've been impossible to heal from such a heartbreak in one night.

All that the designer could do as of right now was to lay there in the quiet room, grappling with the weight of his emotions

"Oh Emilie." He sighed "This is too much for me! This is too stupid of me!" With a deep breath, Gabriel summoned the strength to stand up.

The room seemed to hold echoes of his pain, but as he took that first step forward, he embraced the uncertain path ahead, knowing that each step would lead him further away from the heartbreak that lingered in the shadows...or did it?

"I'm an idiot!" The man rubbed his tired eyes before flicking on the bathroom light that was utterly and painful bright.

"Kill me." He murmured while starting his shower; letting the water cascade in a steady stream as well as heat up.

The sudden pleasant warmth felt as if it could wash away the residue of the night's emotional turbulence, but that wasn't the most convincing promise.

Nevertheless, after getting rid of the dirty damp clothes and standing beneath the unexpectedly comforting flow of his shower, Gabriel closed his eyes.

This was meant to be an attempt to drown out the noises of heartache that lingered in his mind, at least the water gently caressed his skin which almost felt as if it were cleansing him of the ache that had clung to him like a second skin.
So with each droplet that slid down his body, it was as if he sought to wash away the traces of the past, hoping to emerge refreshed and renewed.

After that the designer reached for a towel before wrapping it around himself and then stepping out of the spectacularly steamy shower.

The grey haired man didn't bother looking in the mirror because he knew it would reveal a face marked by the journey through the night which wasn't a pleasant one.

His eyes, weary, so he simply reached for a toothbrush and some toothpaste, that was easy enough to do.

Meanwhile, in the shadowy corner of the bathroom door which led into the man's bedroom was Nooroo, hiding.

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