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Mayura had given up.
She was no longer searching for her mysterious acquaintance from a little while ago, even though she missed him more than anything.
His innocent smile, those mesmerizingly  purple eyes and the sweet sound of his laugh whenever she insulted him.
The villian woman missed 'Moth boy' from all aspects, even though he was dedicated to save another woman.
Mayura still couldn't get him off of her mind, no matter how hard she tried.

But now as it was getting late, no one was awake, and barely any car lamps flashed light into those empty streets of the City, the woman decided to make her way home.
'Her acquaintance wouldn't show anyway', she thought while sighing in a depressed tone.
However, as Mayura was about stand up, she suddenly heard footsteps coming from not so far, and before she knew it a tall, lean figure sat beside her.

"Hello." He spoke "Mayura, right?"

"Y-yes-" the woman stuttered, being unsure of whom she had the pleasure of talking to, except the second which her eyes met his, she recognized the man.
"Mothy boy! It's you!"
The woman cheered up making the villian beside her laugh who found his own nickname quite hilarious. Especially coming from the usually mean and insulting bird lady.

"It is indeed Mothy boy you're talking to" He winked "I'm back, better than ever!"

"Really?" Mayura giggled whilst not breaking eye contact with her partner who found this guesture quite attractive, even though he shouldn't have been thinking such things.
But the lady with the power of emotions got him totally messed up.

"Are you really better than before?" Her voice brought him back "How come? What improvements have been made Hawky? Tell me."


"What?" She grinned seeing the man beside her struggle to speak and instead stutter nervously.
She liked to believe that it was her effect on him which caused this, therefore Mayura planned to continue.
"Cat got your tongue?" She giggled "Or you're just too shy to tell it to me? Hmm? What is it now?"

"I-I-I h-haven't made any noticeable improvements, b-but-...but I've gotten my hopes up for winning! And I'm positive that in the next few days I'll be able to make significant changes!"

This wasn't exactly what she would've liked to hear.
Again the woman he was so obsessed over was the main subject of the conversation, causing Mayura herself to feel very left out and hurt.
But of course, she could've thought that he didn't just move on.
"W-well-...I'm happy for you Mothy, I hope things go your way."

"Thank you. I also wish the best for you." The man smiled when he turned his head to the side in order to look at his villian friend, however by the time that he did so, the woman was gone from her spot.

"May?" He called out.

"I'm here." A quiet voice answered from behind "But I'll go now, it's almost dawn and I have work tomorrow, so it's best if-"

"Are you sad?"
Suddenly the villain appeared beside her, making Mayura jump, also almost fall if it wasn't for the strong arms of her friend to catch her and pull the woman back.
"Are you offended by what I've said?"
He asked, glaring into her ill looking eyes with a serious expression that had her feeling tense.

"W-what?" Mayura uttered nervously "Why do you say that?"

"I can sense emotions. Remember?"

"O-oh fuck." She sighed "I-...I totally forgot."

"Well either way, you don't need to pretend to be happy around me because I'll know if you're lying or not, and eventually I will find out what you truly feel."

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