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"STAY?!?!" Mayura exclaimed shook. "What do you mean stay?!?!"

"L-like just for a little longer..." he stuttered "with you...here in the apartment or we could go out again-"

"Hawk Moth stop playing games!" She cut him off harshly "None of these 'sweet' actions will make me stay! I'm leaving the country in a matter of months no matter what! You can't hold me back."

"May please. Don't do this to me!"

"You don't do this to me!" She sighed "You're the one making everything much more complicated than it truly should be."
Her expression suddenly seemed to have shifted from frustrated into depressed.

"I only want you to stay." Hawk Moth tried to softly say while he got up from the couch and reached out to pull her closer, but Mayura dodged that.

"Yeah?! And how do you think that makes me feel?!?" Her voice shrieked.

"I-I d-don't know-"

"Hurt!" She spat "You know my feelings under the influence of the peacock miraculous are much more intense and this is making me-"

"Catch feelings?" He suggested without even noticing.

"Shut up!"

"Is it?!" The man gasped as his partner's answer wasn't a 'no'.
She didn't deny it so Hawk Moth was allowed to think whatever was on his mind in that second.
"Are you-"

"GET OUT!" Another unexpected outburst of anger hit her "I ALREADY TOLD YOU TO LEAVE!"
The woman fiercely grabbed the man's hand and tried to push him out the window, but he resisted.

"Mayura please!" Hawk Moth tried his best to keep his balance and stay inside the apartment while attempting to communicate with his partner who didn't appear to be in the chatty mood "Don't make me go as you're about to confess-"

"I wasn't going to confess anything!" Her cheeks blushed purple while she kept pushing him, nevertheless her whole face slowly turned pink.

"May I can sense it! I know what you're feeling!"

"You don't know shit!" She pushed on him harder "You're just a-"

"-worthless and useless piece of shit, yes I know but please tell me I'm right!"

"Right with what?!?!" Her ill eyes glared at him with a glow that even intimidated Hawk Moth.
In those moments she truly seemed to be furious.

"That you have a certain type of feelings for me!"

"Yeah, HATE!"

"Mayura please-" he took her wrists into his hand and without even trying too hard pushed the woman down onto the floor so she wouldn't be punching him anymore.
However this made the woman get pinned against the ground while her partner was on top of her, staring down innocently.

"Hawky stop it!" She cried trying to get him off, but that was way too impossible.
He easily overpowered her.

"Mayura please calm down for a second." The man whispered while leaning closer down to her, one of his hands taking her blushing face into his palm and waiting until she would eventually focus on him.
"May listen, I know you hate me right now and want me gone, so is there anything you'd like to say before I let go of you and then leave?"

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