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Once getting home and settling down; Nathalie felt absolutely crushed.

She didn't flee nor did she make the most of that unexpected opportunity which Gabriel offered to her.

Maybe they could've become something more, but now she would never know.

The woman sighed painfully as she looked at the peacock brooch in her hand.

"Duusu" she whispered with a shaking voice to which her always happy friend immediately flew up.

"Yes?" The kwami smiled widely, but after seeing the terribly depressed expression of her owner, she too quickly became less enthusiastic.

"Duusu" The assistant began again; her voice quiet and fragile. "I think I need to...you know...stop using you."

"Forever?" Tears began to form in the small creature's eyes. "We won't meet ever again?"

"Oh Duusu." Nathalie's eyes teared up to the sound of that.

Her heart broke the very second she saw her dear kwami start to cry too and be unable to look her in the eyes.

"We will meet!" The woman tried to save themselves from the pain of the tears, but it appeared to be too late already.

They were both sobbing, uncontrolably.

Duusu had even taken a rest on her owner's shoulder as she was too emotional to focus on keeping herself up by flying.

"Miss!" The tiny creature cried. "I don't want to leave you forever!"

" I promise it's just for...a week or two." Nathalie attempted to force a smile onto her face. "I-I simply need to clear my head."

"A-alright." The peacock sighed, resting her little body against her master's neck.

Part of Duusu felt betrayed and hurt by her owner, however, the other part of the tiny kwami knew that the assistant had to do this.

After all, with each day passing the dark-haired woman felt worse and worse, she also became sick more often than ever.

Duusu knew it was all her fault.

Though it wasn't herself that broke the brooch, but still, by using her, Nathalie's well-being deteriorated.

So, the little peacock took a deep breath in:

"Before I go I have one last question, Miss."


"I know I must leave for you to get better, b-but what will you tell Moth man?" The kwami was curious. "Will you tell him anything at all? He'll be so confused when you're no longer in Paris under the cover of the night!"

"You think he would care when I'm gone?" The assistant questioned, her eyebrows furrowed. "Wouldn't he just be happy that at least now he doesn't have competition and he can get the miraculouses of those kids all to himself."

"Miss Nathalie..." Duusu furiously shook her head while she gathered her strength to fly up in the air.
"...We both know that Moth man feels much more towards you than that! I'm sure he'd be worried sick when he can't find you anywhere!"

"I-I guess." The dark-haired woman shrugged carelessly, trying to ignore all the good points her friend was stating.

"Didn't he appear at this house of yours multiple times because he thought you were gone?" The kwami went on, and as she did it all began to slowly break down Nathalie's attempts of 'not getting too attached.'

Until now she had done her very best to keep all her slight feelings for the villain hidden, but as they talked more of him, the tension began to rise;

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