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"F-fine." Mayura whispered while rolling her eyes in an annoyed manner to contradict
the fact that she was so madly flustered by him. "I guess I'll stay." Spat the woman sarcastically.

"G-great!" An enthusiastic voice emerged from the villian's previously trembling voice. "Thank you for staying." He said now in a much calmer tone, and with less of a smile than before.

The two glanced at each other. Their eyes meeting for a split second before breaking away to ease the rising tension that could be felt every second they looked at one another.

Hawk Moth cleared his throat after a few looks, by which he got a longer stare from the woman.

"What?" She questioned, her eyebrows frowning in an upset way towards him.


"Why did you just do that then?"

"Do what?" The man asked cluelessly.
He had no idea that Mayura was referring to him clearing his throat, he thought it didn't make much of a noise, but unknowingly he was wrong.
"Did I say something?" Hawk Moth laughed awkwardly, being convinced that the woman was the one who didn't know what she was talking about.

"Don't you remember? You did that-" she attempted to create the same sound, except something of a cough could be heard when the villain accidentally choked on her own spit while trying to recreate the man's noise.

"Woah." Hawk Moth chuckled "I'm pretty sure I didn't do that." He watched as she struggled to catch her breath again.

It took quite a bit, and a few irritated tears until Mayura could speak again, but once she was over it, the woman frowned at her partner even more annoyed than before.

"T-tha-...Thank a lot." Said she, hissing the words.

Hawk Moth could sense that she had been fed up, both her facial expressions and her emotions told him so.
Despite it, the villain wasn't sure of how to get her out of this offended state and instead into a rather happier one.

"Well..."He began, the man's lips curving into a smirk carefully as he spoke "If you would be able to forgive me for making such a horrendous sound, and if you would be able to spare some time for 'us', then maybe I could turn that mean frown of yours into a cute little laughter."

"What now?!" Mayura spat.

"I was only suggesting that-"

"You want to take me on a date?!?!"

"What?!?!" Hawk Moth gasped "I never said that!" The villain argued "Where did you even gather that from?!?!"

"You said you wanted to spend time with me and make me happy. So a date!"

"No! It's simply a-a-an act of kindness!"

"An act of kindness?" Mayura laughed hysterically "Yeah right, tell that to somebody other than me because I'm not buying those lies."

"B-but I'm not lying! I-I really didn't want to take you out-"

"Oh look at you stuttering." She chuckled "You're just soooooo flustered that you can't even hide it!"

"What? No! Shut up!"

The moth man turned away from his partner as he indeed got quite shaky and a blush spread all over his face.
He didn't know what to think.
All of a sudden this woman who's real identity he didn't even know had him feeling such feelings which only his previous wife could evoke in him.
Admiration and desire which haven't felt so burningly strong like they did the second that Hawk Moth heard the woman's giggle.

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