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"What the fuck!" Gabriel exclaimed as he no longer saw Emilie.
No matter how many times he wiped his eyes, no matter how many times he blinked, it was always Mayura who now lied there like his wife did before.
"What the hell!" He yelled on "What is that Nooroo?"

"What is what Master?" Asked the innocent creature who didn't at all know what his master was freaking out about

"I-...E-Emilie-...s-she c-changed! D-don't you see too?!??"

"No master, I don't see." Nooroo responded, calmly "I think it was all just your imagination."

"N-no...t-that c-can't b-be-" The man uttered in disbelief as he took off his glasses, and once he did so, he could finally see the woman he 'preferred' to see, but only in blurry splotches.

"Oh-" he sighed in relief "It's you again."

With that Gabriel stepped forward, and after leaning over the place that Emilie's face was at, he placed a kiss onto the glass of the coffin whilst honestly hoping that this glass barrier wouldn't be in between the two of them, and that his dear wife could kiss him back.
So that once again he could feel her soft lips touching his.
But that wasn't the case right now.
Right now, all the designer felt against his lips was the cold glass, and absolutely nothing in return.

So with a dissatisfied sigh the man turned around and made his way away from her, walked up the stairs and aimed to go into his office instead of his bedroom because he surely couldn't sleep with such a state of mind that he had right now.

However, as the grey haired man was about to press down the handle of the door, a tiny pull stopped him.

"Father?" Adrien's voice faintly whispered "Father where were you?"


"I was scared! Nathalie had left and so did you.. .so I was all alone a-and-...y-you know mother-"

"I'm so sorry Adrien" Gabriel immediately hugged his son as he saw him tearing up, and just the slightest mention of Emilie completely crumpled both Agreste's hearts.
"I truly didn't mean to leave...b-but work-...whatever, now I'm here and I promise I won't leave again, alright?"

"Y-yes" came a very not convinced sound from the child who almost spat those word out in disgust as he knew his father was trying his best but it didn't feel like anything at all.

"Adrien look at me!" Gabriel's demanding voice brought the kid back into reality, and as he looked up, he didn't need to so much now because his father crouched down in front of him. "Adrien please look at me!" The designer asked desperately and to that his child finally gave in.

The boy focused his eyes on his father, yet instead of that usually cold glare the man was now staring back at his son with those exact teary eyes, also caused by remembering Emilie.

"Listen to me Adrien!" Said he "We'll get through this, together, alright?"


"Good. Now don't worry we'll be completely fine without your mother. Trust me!"
Gabriel smiled as he expected a hug in return, except all he got was a head shake and a faint "no" sound coming from his child.

"No we won't be fine." Adrien whispered, almost barely auditable "We'll manage but we won't be fine. You and me will both be broken father because no one can replace the love and care that mother provided for the both of us.
We'll have to find a replacement, but as both of us know that she is not replaceable,
we'll suffer."

The man was left totally speechless as his son broke away from their eye contact and ran upstairs, into his own room.

Now Gabriel would've wanted to do something which could help his teenage son cope, but he himself was just as lost as this boy.
He also didn't know how they'd be fine, because like Adrien said: Emilie could not be replaced.

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