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No more songs, my apologies.

"Sir you surely don't want us to share a bed now, do you?" Nathalie glared at her boss with concern whilst the man beside her hurried to try and form an answer which wouldn't make his assistant think he's some weird, creepy guy.
However all the designer could get out was some awful nonsensical mumbling:

"Well Nath..." Gabriel began "I-I can sleep in the guest bedroom, or y-you can if you'd feel very uncomfortable next to me. I don't blame you" he sighed sadly after the last few words.
Yet the dark haired woman took no pity on him and just harshly replied:

"Great sir, so then I'll take the guest bedroom."

"Are you sure you'll be comfortable there? I-I mean that y-you know we aren't f-fully done with turning that room into a bedroom s-so-"

"I'm sure I'll be more comfortable and safe then I'd feel here." Nathalie explained to which her superior almost gasped, but he managed to keep his reaction to himself and not let her see what damage those words have done to him.

Nevertheless, although Gabriel didn't show a reaction he still felt a bit offended and couldn't help but think of what might've made her say such things.

Maybe it was the way he behaved, with his son, and the fact that he never actually spent time with Adrien at all, or maybe it could've been that he was constantly talking to the portrait of his long lost wife.

Well either of those things would make a sane person worry, so the designer couldn't say that his assistant's behavior was 'strange'.

"S-sir...Sir....SIR!" A yell, then a punch, soon the grey haired man focused back into reality as he felt Nathalie's hit.

"Y-yes?!?!" He uttered "What is it???!"

"Sir I was asking if you have any spare blankets or pillows which I could use for tonight as the guest bedroom has none!"

"Well-...I don't think so-"

"OH COME ON!" The assistant completely lost it there "YOU'RE EITHER GOT TO BE KIDDING WITH ME OR YOU'RE TRYING TO GET ME IN BED WITH YOU!!" She screamed and shouted totally shocking her boss who just speechlessly shook his head:

"W-what? W-why the hell-"


"N-Nathalie I-...I swear I don't want anything from you. I-...I'd never even want to sleep with you or anything, I'm a married man!"

"YEAH RIGHT! MARRIED MY ASS-" she punched him before beginning to cry and soon fall apart to the point where she'd collapsed before the man himself.

And then, as Nathalie continued to sob on the floor and she could no longer speak at all Gabriel felt something he has felt just when he lost his Emilie.
It suddenly hit him like a train, and soon enough, before he knew it, the grey haired man himself kneeled down next to his assistant, and almost as if some magical force would've overtaken his body, Gabriel lovingly wrapped his arms around the sobbing woman, then whispered:

"Nath look I'm so sorry, I-I don't know w-what a bitch I've been over these p-past few days b-but-"

"No sir!" She interrupted, quietly and weakly "I-It's my fault! I-....I don't even know how to explain it but ever since I've used-I MEAN-ever since I met this person-...h-he-...h-he made me get so emotional! Suddenly I can't control my emotions and I just feel like a useless piece of shit!" She yelled "S-so I-it's not y-you that made m-me mad-...I'm just too sensitive nowadays! I overreact too much!" The woman sighed hopelessly as she made eye contact with her boss for a second, and after he'd seen all that pain and misery in her eyes, Gabriel knew that something got his assistant feeling way too sad.
Not even he could let this slide, although the designer himself usually never interfered with his employee's private life, now he knew he had to.

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