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"May? May! May are you even listening?"

"What?!?!" She snapped back into reality "W-what happened."

"You better ask yourself that question because it seemed as if you would've had a whole time traveling session." Hawk Moth chuckled while he kept looking into those clueless eyes of his partner.
The woman awkwardly blinked a couple of times trying to remember where they left off the conversation, but all she could think of was the thing which had made her sad a little while ago.

"Your eyes were lighting up.." he interrupted her thoughts "...your face was so motionless and focused that I knew you were lost somewhere."

"My apologies."

"No worries, it happens." The man scooted closer to his partner "By the way" he looked down beside himself with those purple eyes of his, spotting the little bird lady tilting herself against him and even softly snuggling her head against his arm.

"You were saying..." May mumbled "Continue."

"I-oh yea-...do you mind if I steal a bit of that jacket?"

"You're cold?" She glanced up to make their eyes meet in the sparkle of the moonlight again which gave them both a glow. 
Her vividly pink and purple eyes falling upon the lilac ones of Hawk Moth.

"Slightly." The villian mumbled "Not too cold though. I only want a tiny bit of-"

"Here." She shifted back to be able to lay the jacket on the man's shoulders. "Don't you dare get sick" Mayura murmured under her breath as she'd gotten drawn much closer to the villain.
It wasn't necessarily a bad thing, she enjoyed sitting next to him, plus this way they could rely on each other's closeness to keep them both warm.

"Funny how you really don't want me gone yet you want to run away yourself." Hawk Moth said out of the blue, shocking the woman as she heard it.


"You said I better not get sick so I don't leave you, but you're the one who I had to beg to stay."

"Well" she rolled her eyes "It's complicated."

"I bet."

Mayura nudged her partner harshly as he'd uttered that.
"Shut up!" She hissed "You don't know anything about me."

"Oh I know more than you think."

"Yeah right." The woman chuckled "You don't even know my real name or what I enjoy doing. You have no idea about my hobbies or my past. You don't know shit Hawk Moth!"

"Okay maybe not, but I do always know how you feel and what makes you angry."

"That's only because of your powers. Otherwise you wouldn't and couldn't know anything!"

"Alright" the man's voice admitted his defeat "you win." He glanced at her with a grin, except his partner wasn't staring up at him anymore. Instead her attention focused upon the dark view of Paris.
It was exquisite, he couldn't blame her for being ignorant.

Though regardless of not having her full attention. The Moth man continued.
"I don't know you." whispered he "but would you mind telling me a bit about yourself?

The woman's eyes widened as she heard such strange words coming from this unknown man's mouth.
She became even more shocked as she turned her head towards him and caught Hawk Moth softly looking at her with a loving expression.

"I-I why on earth would you be interested in my personal stuff!" The lady spat quite flustered and unable to act proper "I-It's not all that funny or nice! A waste of time rather."

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