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Some time had passed, and now both adults were lying on Nathalie's bed; the woman in the arms of the butler, being held as she tried to, but was unable to fall asleep.

Neither was he.

The dark haired woman and her ex partner had been staring at the walls for the past hour, entangled in each other's arms, but despite that, only mumbling a word occasionally.

"Armand." Nathalie whispered, waiting a bit for an answer to see if slumber has or hasn't yet set in for the man.

"Yes?" His voice replied, awake. "What is it?"

"I just really am curious as to how you're doing...in the sense that; have you found anyone?"

"I'm not searching." Jean knew where the assistant wanted to take this, therefore his tone was rather not amused and simply plain, without an emotion, hoping that maybe this would make her leave him alone.

It didn't.

"I know you're not exactly looking for someone." Nathalie continued. "But...well...you could still try something else with someone different than Audrey."

"Audrey and I are nothing!" He stated, harshly, moving his body upwards and making the woman almost slide off of him, but she held onto the sides of his torso with her arms wrapped around it.

"I know it isn't serious what you have." She looked at him, asking for the man to get back into how he was resting before.

Jean sighed as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.

He didn't want to talk about these things, but his hidden feelings towards the dark haired woman made him lay down once more and put a hand on the assistant's back, reassuringly.

"What Audrey and I have is no sort of love." He was the one to continue the conversation to both of their surprise. "Sure, I feel bad saying that I don't care about her, but..."

"It's okay to care." Nathalie's hands rested on his chest. "I-I mean I also care about my boss."

"But you don't have a sexual relationship with him."

"I don't." The woman admitted, feeling defeated by Armand's words, though he was only trying to make things clear.

"Listen." He breathed heavy. "Originally it was meant to be for just pleasure, but once or twice that might've felt different, only for a second though. I think I became too lost in those moments, but...I don't see her as someone I would share a relationship with publicly." Jean's mind slowed down for a minute as he thought over everything that he's said.

His expression looked utterly lost, so Nathalie couldn't help but to place her hand on top of his and push herself up so that her head would be closer to his face.

"I understand." Now she was tightly pressed against him, her deep blue eyes staring into his hazel green.

"Nathalie, I don't think I see myself with anyone." Armand's voice broke as his hand was caressing the side of the woman's face. "I don't think I'll ever be with anyone, and I'm not saying that to get the sympathy of others, I just genuinely don't think I can belong to one."

"I know."

The assistant's lips pressed against the man's as she didn't want to hear another word of sorrow.

At first the butler was surprised since he wasn't the one to initiate what would lead to more, but as seconds sprinted by, Jean allowed himself to fall further and further into this fantasy.

When their lips parted Armand would've wanted to say something, not much, but something.

However, before he could even begin to formulate the words, Nathalie's finger sealed his mouth shut.

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