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"A-Armand." Mayura moaned as the man's hips moved in a gentle rhythm with her.

Every thrust pushing her to say his name again.

She needed him; his touch and the consuming burn that came with it.

"F-fuck."He pulled her lips to his; their tongues in an instant swirling desperately against each other and their moans clouding the air with lust.

"D-Don't y-you d-dare..." Mayura whimpered as she felt the thrusts of man on top of her become slower.

"D-Dare w-what?" Jean asked, a slight whimper and desperation apparent in his voice, but a grin on his face concealing all of that. "What don't you want?"

Unable to answer just yet as the slow but rougher movements of each thrust seemed to have driven the woman insane, Mayura simply rolled her eyes.

"D-D-Don't dare to s-stop." She finally blurted out; gasping frantically.

While these two were clearly in their highs, the absolute poor, clueless soul of Hawk Moth was jumping high and low just to get to his destination; Mayura's house.

He had absolutely no idea what could be happening over there at broad daylight.

All he thought of were the questions which he'd have to ask her.

Sure, those might've already been quite awkward ways to spark up a conversation between the two, but little did the tall man know, this would get much worse.

As he slowly approached the window through which he'd usually crawl in, Gabriel noticed that all the curtains were closed; therefore blocking any view he could possibly get into the apartment.

The villain gathered up the courage to knock on the windows quietly, but when that didn't get any response, he began thinking how else he could get into the building.

Because Hawk Moth was greatly hated in Paris, he couldn't have possibly used the main entrance to the apartment complex.

However, the only other option was the door at the very top of the building, to which he had no key.

So, as if he couldn't have been any stupider, he thought that he'd have to break the window, in order to have a chance.

The man turned to his right, then to his left to make sure no one was around.

He took one last sharp breath in and punched the glass before him.

Immediately the window shattered to a million pieces, not only making a giant mess both inside the apartment and outside on the rooftop, but it also alarmed almost everyone near.

So, to not be seen, the villain quickly jumped inside the building and crouched down so his silhouette couldn't be seen from the outside.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" A familiar voice screamed from inside one of the rooms.

Then, there was mumbling and arguing heard by Hawk Morh, but he couldn't identity the other voice speaking back.

Before he could've thought too much about what or who this might be, the door of that room flew open.

"IS ANYONE HERE?!" Mayura shouted as she tried to scan around the room, but because her sofa was hiding Hawk Moth, she had no idea that he was the one breaking in.

Meanwhile, the grey haired man could see his partner in crime perfectly since he was watching her from the underside gap between the sofa and the floor.

The villain didn't know if he should say anything since that might terrify the woman even more, but on the other hand if he stays quiet it would be even worse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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