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A little while after the proper day had began and everyone was busy with their own issues, Gabriel managed to return to the office.

Except today he was looking quite unfashionable for a fashion designer.
His hair a mess, his face depressed, and the man's usual attire looking as if it was his choice of pijama by being so crumpled up.

Even Nathalie gasped as she saw the disaster of a human walk into the room with a tired and frustrated expression pained all over his profile.

"Sir!" The woman exclaimed "W-what's wrong? Did something bad happened?" She rushed over to help him, except immediately the man waved her off in his annoyance.

"Nothing!" He spat "I'm fine!"

"Y-you don't look fine-"

"-and why does that bother you so much?!" He cut her off  "Stop acting like my mother!"

"S-sir! I beg your pardon?"

"Nathalie I said-...you know what, for get it! Forget everything! I didn't mean it!"

"Are you sure?" The woman wondered while she placed her hand on his shoulder regardless of his orders to keep away.
"You don't seem alright Gabriel. I'm worried."

The strange and even unfamiliar sound of his name being said by her pretty mouth had the man a bit flustered. Almost like he was in the presence of Mayura.
However, this was no place to blush or show any emotions, so with a quick shake of his head Gabriel turned the other way. Like that also making his assistant's hand smoothly fall off of his shoulder.


"Nathalie I'm fine! Please-"


"Leave me."

The assistant sighed sadly before letting the matter go and walking back to her desk in a depressed manner. Then, as Nathalie sat down she took one last look at her boss, who's back was still turned towards her.
It all felt so cold, like they haven't even known each other in the slightest bit.
Yet regardless of feeling a deep melancholy sadness in her heart, the woman continued with her tasks, acting completely fine.

Gabriel on the other hand couldn't possibly go on with his day normally. His temper was too much to cope with, so instead of turning to his left where his podium was located, the man just pushed the door open straight ahead of him and stormed out, leaving behind nothing but a loud slam which made Nathalie jump.

"Your Mister isn't looking so great Miss Nathalie." the little blue kwami unexpectedly whispered from under her blazer alarming the owner, and also causing a vivid red blush to spread over the woman's face as she heard Duusu's nickname for Gabriel.

"My Mister?!" She uttered shaking her head in embarrassment "Duusu he isn't-...he is only my boss!"

"R-right! And so that's why your heartbeat goes absolutely crazy whenever near him!"

"I-I- no it doesn't! You're lying!"

"No Miss" the little peacock chuckled "I spend most of my time in your blazer therefore I know that what I'm saying is true. Now go after him! He needs you."

"He doesn't! He wants to be alone. He told me so..." she sighed "...and who am I to disrespect his orders."

"Miss Nathalie-"

"Duusu! Enough!" Nathalie cursed, however instead of responding the kwami in a strange manner suddenly disappeared.
Even when the assistant tried to find her by taking off her blazer, she was nowhere.
But thankfully before things would've gotten too awkward the sound of someone clearing their throat made the woman look up.

Her boss Where stories live. Discover now