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"It's fine." Mayura shrugged, still trying to act as if she wouldn't have care, but it was obvious that deep down this was all over her mind.

She couldn't escape being overwhelmed about her constant sickness and she also couldn't get rid of the thought of Hawk Moth.

Almost like a curse.

She constantly had to be thinking of things that made her nervous, though at least the man didn't affect her terribly compared to the broken brooch.


His voice on the other hand, it didn't help, more like worsened the situation in which the dark haired woman could no longer pull off her ignorant behavior.

Nathalie's teary eyes looked up at the tall man close to her and soon, when the villian saw this; her blue skin appearing pink as the salty tears began to irritate it, he had to worriedly ask:

"What is it?" His eyes became filled with concern and now both of his hands began to reach out for Mayura.

"What have I done?" Gabriel's unsteady voice whispered, only a few centimeters away from her face, then, softly, Hawk Moth's hands rested on the sides of her cheeks which felt unusually warm, almost as if she would've had a fever.

"Is it the 'sickness' that's making you so sad or me?" he pulled her even closer to himself, completely ignoring the unusual behavior of his partner.

Her eyes filled with tears, her whole body looking as if it was about to collapse, but once she rested against his chest, Mayura seemed to relax a bit.

She tilted her head against him and the woman's breathing became more steady as the minutes passed by.

Nathalie couldn't have even lied to herself, it was a pleasant feeling to have him this close, it always have been.

The assistant allowed herself to sink a little deeper into his touch before whispering.

"I'm sorry." Her words were quiet. "Everything is so much right now."

Gabriel could sense her emotions, he knew it wasn't a fever type of sickness that made the woman tremble so badly, it was something else terrible as well as his own doing that affected Mayura this much.

The only thing the designer wasn't aware of, was that he didn't do any harm, instead, he flustered her, now she just couldn't hide it, not to mention that the 'sickness' forced the dark haired woman to exaggerate her emotions all the time.

Therefore, Nathalie couldn't help it, she had been cursed to act this way.

"May" his voice so nicely begged. "please tell me exactly what's wrong. I want to know more about this sickness, I want to know all that's bothering your soul."

However, the woman just shook her head in a protest.

"Please!" Hawk Moth's voice now grew louder. "I'll do anything in return."

"You don't need to." The assistant sighed. "J-just...leave me-" her voice sounded uneasy, too anxious to simply finish her sentence.

Mayura couldn't have told her partner how bad her sickness was, or how much she loved him.

Though while she felt powerless, Gabriel took this time to his advantage and instead tried to tell her what he's been wanting to say for a long time now.

"May." The man's voice confidently began. "I will leave, I promise, but I need to tell you something before I do that."

Those feelings he tried to push down to the very bottom of his heart began to bubble up like a fizzy drink some kid had shook for way too long.

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