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In an attempt to calm the 'passionate feelings' of the peacock, Hawk Moth had offered to keep Mayura company.
Despite their very chaotic situation just a few moments ago where they argued, then made up for it before starting another breakdown, the man now wanted to comfort his partner, and hopefully make her troubles disappear.

Well, at least the ones which could be solved easily.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, looking down lovingly at the the woman who's face was hidden under Hawk Moth's arm.

The woman's head resting in his lap, her arms secured around his waist while one of Gabriel's arms laid on top of her body which stretched across the couch.

With a quick glimpse Mayura's eyes met his, her face blushing, he could clearly see, but her eyes sparkled too mesmerizingly for the man to worry about her obvious crush on him.

"Better?" He asked again and she nodded:

"A bit."

"I see. Is there something else I could do to help?"

"Well." Mayura's arms tightened around his waist as she pulled herself closer to him "Stay." Her lips curled into a smile "For a little longer."

The man's eyes widened and his cheeks blushed just like his partner's.
Not even his 'helmet' could hide how flustered he felt while the woman's hands softly drew patterns on his back, impatiently waiting for a response.

It felt so nostalgic.
He has felt this before.
Except in a little less awkward of a costume, actually, in barely any costume at all considering the fact he wasn't wearing anything in the moment which he reminisced about.

It was only Emilie's soft hands, soothingly doodling a few unguessable figures on his back, all while staring up into his eyes, precisely how Mayura looked now.

Gabriel smiled without noticing as he thought of her. The woman who he was doing this all for.
His love.

"Oh what? You're ticklish?" He could almost hear her voice laugh.

"N-no. I-I- j-j-just-"

"You're definitely ticklish!"

The designer chuckled to himself now;
"Maybe I am ticklish."

Thinking back he should've probably admitted this to his Emilie while he could have had the chance because instead he simply made her believe it was the lack of clothes which caused him to feel cold and shiver all of a sudden.
Except, that was a lie.
It was her, her hands, her adorable stare, and every single feeling she made him feel that night which caused Gabriel to shiver at her sweet touch.

"Oh Emi-"

"Excuse me?" Mayura's confused voice brought him back. "What did you said?"

"I-...uhm-" Hawk Moth stuttered, still feeling the woman's nails moving around in circles, endlessly.

"Yes?" Her voice innocently asked. 

"I g-guess I can stay a little longer." He awkwardly readjusted his position on the couch. Lifting his hands off of her for a moment, before placing them back and watching her whole face smile in unity.
However, as much as this soothed his broken heart, the man tried to ignore it with a shake of his head.
"I'll stay only a little bit." He repeated.

"A little?" She weeped.

"Mayura" the man sighed with tender frustration.
He couldn't have felt fully angry with her, yet slight bitterness did get evoked in him by the woman's overly ambitious behavior. Especially since it very much complicated his plan to 'not care'.

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