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"Happy?" Nathalie rolled her eyes. "Can I finally sleep or is there something more you want?" She was fed up by now and didn't even try to hide her anger.

Jean too had obviously noticed the assistant's increasingly aggressive behavior towards him, but for some reason he didn't want to tone down his irritating voice, instead, the man just kept building up her frustration;

"Don't act like I'm some greedy monster." He spat. "All I did was ask you to say my actual name."

"This is not about your name Je-Armand!"

"What is it about then?!?!"

Their yells echoed all across the small apartment.

People in the surrounding rooms probably heard all that.

In fact, Audrey was also most likely listening and having an absolute blast from all this drama.

Yet regardless of being aware of how loudly each word echoed, they didn't stop.

"Is it about my personality?!?" The butler shouted "My greediness?!? My-"

"Your weirdness! The woman cut him off. "You're weird! You want me to stay even though we are absolutely irrelevant to each other!"

"Oh wow, is that how you think of me?" The man's voice asked with disappointment to which Nathalie had to sigh, soften her voice and explain;

"Yea, I think you're weird. I mean no one else uses the same cologne for 20 years, washes everything with the exact same scented soap, only uses one precisely particular color of silverware, irons their suits every Tuesday at the same time in the afternoon, waters their plants only at night because in the day-time it is 'less efficient' as you used to say."
Her voice began to quiet down more and more.

Now, instead of yelling the assistant was whispering:

"No one else ever remembers such small details of me like you do, Armand."


"And no one wants me to stay as much as you do, Armand." The woman's voice was barely audible as she mumbled this all under her breath.

Nevertheless, Jean's mouth feel agape.

He had been stunned by the amount of things his ex remembered about him, and at last, he could relate with Nathalie's words;
"No one else ever remembers such small details of me like you do."

She indeed remembered like no other.

This unexpectedly got the butler more flustered than ever to the point that all he could feel was the overwhelming sensation of his cheeks heating up.

Quickly, to hide all evidence of his blush Jean buried his face in his palms dramatically, which unintentionally got the assistant in front of him to worry;

"What's wrong?" She anxiously stepped closer to him, and without thinking reached to grab one of his arms.

Nathalie, while still not putting much thought into her actions tried to pull the butler's hands away from his face as she thought he was hurting.

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