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Gabriel wouldn't have expected himself to be heading back to Mayura's house for what felt like the millionth time by now.

However, Nooroo had convinced the grey haired man that they had to save the woman from the broken peacock miraculous and make sure that no one would be harmed anymore.

It didn't sound like an easy plan and it wasn't an easy plan, but it was too late now to turn back.

In the darkness of the night Hawk Moth found himself jumping from one rooftop to another, the route to her house was getting familiar since he's been there so many times before.

Yet as much as he had seen that apartment, the designer still had no clue who was hidden behind the blue mask of Mayura.

Gabriel had observed the place where she lives, her belongings and the villainous woman was even truly honest with him at times, but despite this all, Hawk Moth didn't know the 'real' Mayura. 

Anyway, as he was getting closer and closer to the apartment the man hoped that he wouldn't be too late, he hoped that May would still be there and not gone to 'escape' Paris as she had always wished to.

Once arriving to the window which he usually snuck in through; the tall man crouched down to see if there was any source of light or any sign of life in the apartment, but nothing.

So, after that observation Hawk Moth gathered his courage to carefully knock on the window.

"May?" His voice whispered hesitantly if it would get an answer back. "Are you here? It's me...Hawk Moth...and I'm sorry for everything."

Now the villian waited for something to happen, a light to suddenly turn on or maybe for a voice to yell at him, however, his hopes began falling apart by each and every second he spent standing in front of the window because nothing and no one replied to him.

"May!" Gabriel tried again. "Listen I know I'm a stubborn and stupid man...in fact I know you must hate me now but-...but gosh...I-...I think I love you."

The tall man's eyes began to fill with tears as he had uttered his last words, and still there was nothing he received as a response.

"May if you're in there please say something!" Hawk Moth couldn't help but shout as his last hope, then, when it was only the wind which made a sound back at him, he sighed.

"She left." And with that the man uttered his de-transformation words. "Nooroo dark wings fall."

When his small kwami came across his owner crying he knew this wasn't good news, and from there he knew that Mayura was no longer to be found.

In the meantime Mayura too was somewhere on the rooftops in Paris, however she had been heading the exact opposite direction as Hawk Moth.

While the tall man was at Mayura's apartment, Mayura made her way over to the Agreste mansion.

The reason for this was that since she'd decided now was the time to attempt her run-away plan again, so she had to quit her job first.

Therefore, Mayura after transforming into Nathalie planned to place a letter in her boss's mailbox which whenever he'd open would tell him that she had quit.

Of course the letter wouldn't actually inform the designer where she was going or explain the true reason as to why the assistant was leaving her job, it would simply be some made up lie that hopefully sounded believable to Gabriel and wouldn't make him think something suspicious about this.

Nathalie hoped with all her strength that her boss wouldn't get skeptical of her sudden, unexpected quitting.

After all if he'd sense that something isn't right and would get the police involved, then the dark haired woman's escape plan was all going to fail.

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