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The butler probably hasn't ever ran as fast as he was running now to get into Audrey's room.

He sprinted up those steep stairs of the hotel and was about to push the door to her apartment open when suddenly the door just simply didn't open.

It was locked, with a key, making it unbreakable to mankind.

"Fuck!" Jean cursed, which he also usually never did.

However, the man with his rapid thinking and rush of adrenaline quickly remembered that he had a copy of his boss's room keys.

So he didn't need to search for too long before he found a way to finally let himself inside the woman's apartment.

"HELLLLPPP!" Audrey's voice could be almost immediately heard.

Without hesitation Jean rushed to the balcony where he knew he'd find his boss.

Indeed there she was, except the designer woman didn't look like she was in danger, instead she was the one intimidating the supervillain using a broom she'd constantly hit him with.

"JE-ARMAND!" Audrey's eyes lit up as she saw her butler. "Help me with this-" But before she could've finished her sentence, another voice shrieked up:

"SAVE ME!" Hawk Moth cried in the corner of the balcony, all curled up. "JUST HAVE MERCY ON ME GODDAMN IT!"

"AAA!!!" The woman got so scared that she started hitting him again and again. "It even talks!"

"Well yes Madame, it is a human." Jean calmly said, yet this didn't at all calm Audrey down.

"Ewwwww! Even worse." she was visibly disgusted.

The man beside her clearly saw it too, therefore it didn't take long before the butler with a swift movement would take the broom out of his superior's hand and step in front of her protectively.

While this was happening Hawk Moth saw the opportunity to stand up, at least that way he could possibly escape easier.

"HEY!" Jean shouted "STOP MOVING!!"

"I mean no harm!" The Moth man calmly mumbled after he slowly got up, holding his hands as if he would be held at gunpoint, though all Jean had against him was a broom.

Still, Gabriel wouldn't have wanted to risk getting beaten once again, because of this he made sure to straighten himself in the least threatening way possible, but that all seemed to fail as the designer lady almost immediately exclaimed loudly:

"EWWW WHY IS HE SO TALL?!" Audrey was still whining behind her butler.

"I-I d-don't know Madame!" The man whispered also quite scared.

However, Hawk Moth didn't use their fear to his advantage, instead he tried to keep the conversation as friendly as possible.

"Let's make a deal..." Said the villain "...you put down that broom, let me escape from here, and everything will be back to normal, okay?" The tall man tried to force a smile onto his face in order to appear a little more harmless, except the sharp sound of police sirens turned Hawk Moth's expression into a stern and cold one.

"Shit." He thought to himself. "She called the fucking police."

In the meantime Jean was unsure how to answer.

"I-..." He glanced over to his boss who seemed startled at the unexpected stare from the butler.

"What?!" She spat. "Don't give me that dumb look of yours Armand!"

"Madame should I-"

"WHATEVER!" Audrey's voice unexpectedly yelled at the supervillain "JUST GET OUT OF MY SIGHT YOU UGLY CREATURE! RIDICULOUS! UTTERLY RIDICULOUS!"

Her boss Where stories live. Discover now