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"Your enemy?!?!" Gabriel exclaimed in shock "Why on earth are you trying to seduce your enemy?!?"

"Who said I was seducing him?!?" The assistant shouted back feeling offended as she existed the bathroom, still wearing the designer's piece from the new collection, except she covered it with a towel before coming out to see her boss.
"I never even said I slept with him!!" She said in defense trying to prove herself, yet Nathalie still felt as if he was judging her when Gabriel's facial expression didn't change from that concerned and sort of disturbed look.

He stared at her as if they were complete strangers, not even a smile or just a little acceptance in his look. It was all cold and disgusted.
However in that moment in which Nathalie felt absolutely worthless, the man suddenly shook his head, looked back at his assistant, and when he saw that her face was tilted down in shame, he placed his hand on her shoulder.

"You look good in the...uhm...piece though."

"Huh?" the woman asked, not having a clue about what he meant.

"The piece..." he repeated himself, this time looking down at her with his eyes to gesture what he meant "the one I gave you just now."

"OH!" Nathalie jumped "OH SHIT!" She quickly hurried to hold her towel, but then she realized that she was holding it already and literally nothing was showing of the lingerie set.

'So then why did he compliment her?' She wondered, but before the assistant could've asked, her boss answered.

"I mean I didn't see it don't worry I only said it because...well this was the first time that I saw you wearing something which didn't cover your  shoulder, and also the first time I see your hair down...so...I just assumed it would look great...b-because you look great like this!"


"Maybe you should even try dresses sometimes, o-or some blouses which don't have much sleeves. O-only if you'd feel comfortable like that of course."

"Uhm-...thank you sir." Nathalie managed to utter, despite being quite flustered by her superior's suddenly very pleasant personality and sweetly sounding voice "I-I actually wouldn't mind trying something new...you know, I would want something...exciting in my life!"

"Oh I see." He smiled and also somewhat smirked, but only for a split second so that his assistant wouldn't get a glimpse of him not being his cold, 'sophisticated' self.
Nevertheless, the woman saw just what she wanted and that had her smiling too.

So now without noticing it much, the two adults stared at each other, quietly giggling whilst widely smiling at one another as if they were the happiest people ever.

"Nath you know...I might have just the thing for you."

"You do sir?"

"I think I do." Gabriel said again, smiling even more as she showed interest in the things which he suggested, and that made the designer the happiest man alive.
"It's downstairs though...a-and it is a bit of a job to get it together, so since you're tired maybe we shouldn't-"

"Oh it's fine." The woman cut him off chuckling "It's not like we were gonna sleep anyways, or at least I wasn't because-...whatever let's not get into it...we should just go see the 'thing' which you have for me, and I guess make it through the night with a coffee or two."

"Sounds perfect Nath." The man smiled as he couldn't have ever been happier then he was right at this moment.

The simple fact that his assistant wanted to try something which was not only out of her comfort zone, but also designed by him, got Gabriel absolutely thrilled.

Her boss Where stories live. Discover now