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"MAYURA!!" Hawk Moth's loud, yelling voice made both Nathalie and Duusu share a terrified look.

"I should-"

"Go!" The little peacock shouted at her owner who after a short nod immediately said the transformation words and became her supervillain self.

With a deep breath and some slight courage the assistant got up from her hiding spot and made her way to the window.

The closer she got the scarier it all appeared.

Her partner's knocking seemed to never stop, so in order to make him realize she was there, the woman had to pull aside the curtains.

"Enough!" She exclaimed in frustration, however, her angry glare at Hawk Moth was so scary that even he jumped back.

"Ah!" The man gasped as he didn't expect Mayura to show up at all, but after a few seconds of catching his breath and calming down, Hawk Moth once again began:
"The police-"

"-Is after you and I'm your last hope." She finished his sentence. "Yes I know, I heard."

"Oh..." a surprised expression filled the tall man's face.

He was not prepared for any of this and the presence of Mayura made him feel like a flustered, awkward mess.

"S-s-so may I...come in?" He stuttered slowly to which all the woman could do was roll her eyes and open the window.

"T-t-thank you." Hawk Moth once again couldn't get his words out easily.

At least the man could successfully squeeze himself in through the small window and hide in the assistant's apartment until police would hopefully stop searching for him.

The villian was very thankful for that.

He wanted to thank his partner once more, except before he could've uttered anything, she turned her back to him and ignorantly mumbled:

"Just don't stay for too long!"

"I-..." Hawk Moth wasn't sure how to respond because without any further explanation the mysterious lady distanced herself far from him by walking away.

It was clear that she couldn't have possibly heard or cared for what he would say next.

This somehow got the tall man a little annoyed, so without thinking much he hurried after the villain woman and as she was about to close a door to shut him out, the designer stopped it.

"What?!?!" Mayura's voice shrieked to which all the flustered and scared man could respond to was:

"I-...I won't stay long."

"Good." She spat.


"But what?!?!"

"But is there any reason as to why you don't want me staying long?" Now Hawk Moth caught the woman off guard who didn't expect him to say such things "Did I do something that upset you?"

The assistant's eyes widened in shock;

"No." Was all she could mumble. "I-I-I just-...I just don't want you here!"

Once again she had to act as if she'd be repelled in order to make sure she could keep her distance from the tall man, however, because Gabriel could sense negative emotions, he clearly felt something uneasy from the woman in front of him.

"You're mad." He stated, to which Nathalie gasped in an offended manner;


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