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After trying to at least process what cruel mess Nooroo had mentioned, Gabriel knew that eventually he would have to do something.

Both about the case of his unexplainable admiration to the so called blue lady, and also about the case of his ill assistant.

"Maybe Jean would know!" The kwami suddenly exclaimed. "Didn't Miss Nathalie and him have a past? And doesn't she visit him even nowadays?"

"Yes." The tall man replied, having a rather disgusted look on his face while doing so.

He was never truly supportive of his assistant's relationship with the butler.

It appeared to bring him even closer to Audrey which was a nightmare for both the body and the soul, but it also appeared too logical of a relationship to the designer that he didn't approve.

After all, both were assistants.

However, something about Jean and his cold, constantly professional and polite attitude didn't strike the grey haired man as good.

His assistant was the same, so them being together was almost something like twins being together.

As if the male version of Nathalie had met the female version of Jean.

Anyway, as Gabriel shook his head out of the chaos that it was in, he focused back into reality.

"You want me to drive over to the hotel in the middle of the night?" He asked his floating friend.

"Well." The kwmai shrugged. "Only if you wish to find out more about your assistant, Master."

The designer sighed before he got up from his bed.

"I guess we'll go then." The grey haired man gathered all of his remaining strength before pulling out a coat from his closet to wrap himself in.

The light pijamas he was wearing wouldn't be enough.

With that being done, the tall man made his way towards the bedroom door and then down the stairs.

In just about twenty minutes they would arrive at the hotel.

Though before they had gotten to the destination, Gabriel had to call Audrey to make sure that Jean would be there.

"What do you need him for?" The woman's awful voice asked through the phone call.

"I need to ask him for a question." The designer replied, rubbing his tired eyes with one hand while the other held onto the wheel of his car.

"You can ask me too!" His boss returned, only annoying the already exhausted man.

"Audrey listen." He spat. "I need that skinny butler of a man to be in front of me in fifteen minutes, because if he isn't-"

"Calm down Mister Grumpy!" The woman laughed and cut him off. "The creature you want so badly is right next to me! He'll be there."

"Are you still working?!" Gabriel questioned, utterly confused as to why Jean was not in a completely separate part of the hotel as Audrey, how it usually was.

"Working." The woman repeated his words slowly. "The same way you work with your Nath thing at two in the morning."

"What?!" The designer didn't understand the obvious.

Even Nooroo was shaking his head and blocking his nonexistent ears while his Master cluelessly continued;

"Nathalie goes home!" He explained, completely unaware of his own stupidity at this point. "The latest she works is eight!"

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