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"Fuck." The villain cursed once lying in a huge dumpster full of trash bags that all compressed him. He ended up in this situation after sliding off of a rooftop and miserably landing in some dirty alleyway.

His only luck in this being that he didn't crash into concrete. Instead, the bins 'cushioned' his landing.
Despite this, Hawk Moth wasn't the happiest.

Quite the contrary; he was disgusted.

"Ewww" the man spat "this is humiliating!"

Indeed it was.
Being covered in garbage, frustrated and trying to run back to a woman he didn't even know.

It was humiliating for Hawk Moth.
He was lost.


All while this was happening Nathalie and Duusu had gathered their stuff in their suitcases and now were heading towards 'the friend's house'.

The assistant driving while her kwami sat all by herself on the passenger seat.

It was quite scary for Duusu, however, since she had experienced her owner driving carelessly many times, she knew just how to stay safe. On the other hand, what the little creature didn't know was who this 'friend' of her owner might be.

Nathalie and Mayura had quite a vast number of acquaintances, but she all referred to them as 'friends'.

There were no clear distinctions between any of them, because of this; Duusu had created her own smart was of trying to sort the different 'friends' into different groups.

Some were absolute creeps; only interested in Mayura as she had something extraordinary to offer.
Though at least they paid her.
That was their only use.

The other friends were the people whom Nathalie would occasionally call instead of her family when times got rough. They were essentially her drugs to keep her alive.
Those friends helped Nathalie more than her real family ever has, and she appreciated them dearly too.
Without them, she couldn't live.

Then, the last type of friend; was Hawk Moth.

That man in Duusu's mind had his own category.

He evoked feeling in both Mayura and Nathalie.
He had such an influence over the woman that it was stronger than anyone else's impact.

Of course, the kwami knew all this as she could sense her owner's feelings most of the time. So, despite Nathalie wanting to bottle up her emotions about that 'idiot of a man', Duusu knew it all.

Even now she sensed the deep regret the assistant felt;
She didn't intend to leave her partner with bad terms between them. In fact, part of her wanted to go back.
She thought of apologizing, but that typical stubbornness held her back.

Just like Hawk Moth;
Their stubbornness always won.

"Miss." Duusu suddenly broke the silence.
"Where are we going now?"

"To a friend's place!" Her owner spat harshly. She wasn't looking very happy.

Nathalie's eyes focused on the road, yet her hands still shaking while controlling the steering wheel, and her eyes almost tearing up.

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