398 19 12

Songs for this chapter:
1. Heart of Chambers - Beach House
2. The night we met - Lord Huron
3. Vas - Jagger Fin

"You're strange." Commented Mayura as she kept her eyes on the man for a little longer. "Why are you so afraid of the public?"

He sighed, and shook his head, breaking the eye contact that the two individuals had.
"I-...it's complicated." Hawk Moth mumbled before awkwardly moving his hand a bit closer to Mayura's.
Thankfully though she didn't notice, or at least he thought so, but once Gabriel glanced up to see his friend's face, he spotted her staring back at him, her lips forming a soft smile whilst her eyes sparkled in the light-toned moonlight and not in tears.

"Complicated huh?" She began, moving her hand also closer to his, so a few of their fingers touched "Did someone hurt you or what?"

"I-..." That question sounded almost unbelievable to the villain who suddenly didn't even notice that he teared up "I-...well-...y-yes."

"So now you just isolate yourself from everything and everyone as a coping mechanism?"

"I-..." Hawk Moth couldn't even respond, he was too overwhelmed to, in fact it almost felt as if something was holding him back from speaking.
Like an imaginary knife that would slash his throat open the second he uttered a word.
Yet in real life there was nothing holding him back. Gabriel was free. It was only his fears which made him imagine such horrid things that got him in tears.

So he was about to lift his hand to wipe away his tears, however before he could do so, Mayura grabbed onto him stronger than ever  and didn't allow the man to lift his hand, instead she leaned closer, and with her own hand wiped away his tears.

"You know just because you had a bad experience a while ago doesn't mean that-"

"I KNOW!" He shouted out of nowhere, making the bird woman flinch and back up a little bit "I know that not all people are evil! B-but-...I can't! I can't d-do it again! I w-won't ever trust anyone again! I-I won't! N-no I-I won't!!"

"Alright, alright calm down Mothy." She whispered scooting closer once more and placing her arm around his back "There's no need to shed tears over something that's in the past and you can't change."

"B-but I...b-but I could change it!" Gabriel sobbed "If I could once finally win, then I could get those two wicked miraculouses and change all my past mistakes! I could save myself and-...and..."


"And...her." The villain whispered so quietly that even his closely sitting friend had trouble hearing.
But after he had repeated "her" many many times with a shaking voice, Mayura understood that her villain partner wanted someone very special back.
So to know exactly who Hawk Moth was talking about, the bird woman asked:

"Her? Who is her?"

To that question the man beside her shook his head, wiped his tears away, and squeezed her hand that he was holding tighter.

"The person I lost." He began slowly "the person I loved and still love." Hawk Moth went on, even with his weak, trembling voice "The person who made my life worth living. The person who eased my pain every second. The person who constantly put a smile onto my face. The woman who mesmerized me. The woman who gave me a family. The woman who made me who I am today. My love. My only love. My sweet, sweet wife. My life. My breath. My one and only reason to live." He sighed "I want to save...her!"

As he finished speaking, Gabriel lifted up his fallen down face, turned to the woman beside him, and as he saw her shocked face he gently lifted her hand up, before placing a kiss on it and smiling.

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