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Note: in the beginning of this chapter I'll still use the name Jean, but it'll be switched later on with an explanation.
Enjoy! ❤️

The woman took a deep breath before she shared a look with her mini floating friend.

"Should I?" She asked, her hands about to knock on the door, just a few centimeters away from it.

"Well miss surely we aren't going to stay out here the whole night." Duusu replied.


With that Nathalie had gathered the courage to knock on the door of her 'friend', and to not much surprise a response was immediate.

Jean had always been the organized sort who was proper and never imperfect.

Even in their past relationship he had barely allowed the dark haired woman to see him in a vulnerable state or at times where he wouldn't be prepared and not his best.

Now the stylishly painted wooden door of the hotel at which the butler worked at slowly pulled back itself and opened in front of the assistant.

At first it appeared as if there would've been no one in the room, as if the door would've mysteriously opened by magic, however, just when Nathalie leaned her head forward to look inside, Jean's face from behind the door popped out.

"Nathalie?" His voice doubted itself.

It had been a while since he said that name, nevertheless his tounge still knew it's way to form when pronouncing the letters.

It felt nostalgic.

"Y-you're here for-"

"The night." She strictly cut in. "But nothing else! Just to rest."

"I understand." The man nodded.

They talked about this over the phone, in fact, Jean was probably the one who knew the most about the assistant's plan to flee, so he knew what she meant by 'the night'".

He had heard about it long ago when they were together, he watched the assistant begin to construct her escape, he helped her when she needed assistance with a few steps of the plan. However, deep down Jean never supported her with this.

He was willing to make it appear as if he'd be supportive, yet all he wanted to do was make her stay.

Ever since the butler had first heard of her escape, he wanted to sabotage it in secret.

With this he wanted to convince her that there wasn't a need to get a whole new identity and live in a foreign place when she could just stay here with him and...to be honest he didn't really have a good excuse to make her stay.

He just didn't want to let go.

No matter how irrelevant they were to each other now, Jean felt an unexplainable feeling that made him unable to live without her.

Maybe it was Mayura's charm, or maybe it was simply Nathalie's.

Either way, he knew that letting the assistant flee would be his biggest mistake.

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