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"I-" she stared at her boss absolutely speechless.
Those words which he had uttered last completely caugh the woman off guard, in addition as the man kept his cold gaze directed at her with no fail Nathalie began to get worried.
She tried not to show a significant reaction but the assistant couldn't help to blush a little.

It was almost inevitable to feel such a way when his mesmerizingly blue eyes locked in the eye contact with hers and the tension of his stare increased by ever second which passed.
So needless to say that Nathalie wasn't quite herself by then.
However the moment that she felt her face overheat the assistant quickly turned away from facing her superior and covered her profile with her hands.

This almost instantly caused a reaction from her boss who suddenly felt the need to make sure she was alright.

"Nathalie." Gabriel was about to reach after her

"Sir I'm fine!" She distanced herself from him "N-no need to w-worry!"

"O-okay but why did you-"

"I-I-I a-actually just realized that I-I need to meet w-with my friend-" Nathalie completely lied to his face, well not quite, because the dark haired woman's embarrassed expression was still tilted towards the ground, not her boss.
"-s-so I should g-go-"

"This late at night?" He questioned "With 'just' a friend?"
The designer's sly smirk began to show as he knew he obviously had his assistant totally flustered and overwhelmed right in that moment.

"Well sir as I've mentioned before we-..."

"Wasn't he your enemy?"

"Excuse me!" She exclaimed in shock, however the man didn't change his expression. In fact, the slight smirk on his face only became more visible.

"I thought you two didn't get along...or did I misunderstand?"

"I-..." she didn't know what to reply.
All these different lies which Nathalie made up were getting too complicated to follow and even she herself couldn't keep up with what she'd told her superior.

So being in a tense and frustrating situation the woman vigorously shook her head
"I-I won't just spill each and every detail of my relationship with this man to you sir! I-It's private!"

"Oh I see." He chuckled in an arrogant manner, knowing damn well that with his every word he pushed his assistant's limits further and further.
But regardless of knowing that, he didn't plan on stopping, so with another pitying look on his face and a grin hiding under it, the man hissed:
"It's complicated, isn't it?"


"Alright, then will he pick you up from here?"

"What?" She looked at him all confused, like that giving the designer exactly what he wanted.
The confused face of his assistant which had no clue what to lie next.

"Nathalie you said you two had plans for tonight, so if he wants you then I assume he'll drive here to get you...no?"

"W-well I-...I can just go home myself and meet him there. It's easier."

"Oh" Gabriel gasped dramatically, making his employee anxious, precisely like he wanted her to be.
Frowning and shaking his head in disappointment whilst playing the concerned boss, the designer whispered "...he isn't a gentleman, is he?"


"He is making you work for it."

"Work for it?"

"Nathalie" Gabriel chuckled "are you genuinely clueless with this guy's intentions?"

"What do you mean by that?"

Her boss Where stories live. Discover now