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He couldn't do much.

Hawk Moth simply left Mayura all alone after that night and tried to hurry home, but it was no secret that his steps became slow and felt weighed down by the burden of unspoken sorrows.

It seemed as if even the city would've been cloaked in shadows to only amplify the echo of his melancholy.

The dim streetlights cast long, distorted shadows that danced along cobblestone pathways, mirroring the intricate twists of his troubled thoughts.

As the villain wondered through the labyrinth of narrow alleys, the ambient glow of lamplights barely illuminated the profound sadness that was painted across his face.

Tonight not even the majestic architecture of Paris that once echoed tales of romance and vibrancy could draw a smile onto his lips, now they stood as a silent witness to his somber journey.

"Can you believe that Nooroo?" Hawk Moth spat in frustration after saying the de-transformation words and taking a moment to settle down as his real self.

His gaze suddenly focused onto the Seine which whispered stories of forgotten love and heartfelt nights.

Needless to say that this didn't help, it only made the man angrier;

"Can you believe how crazy she is!" Now he yelled. "I hate her!"

"M-m-mayura?" the small butterfly mumbled in a shaking voice.

Poor Nooroo was trembling himself to say the least and the terrifying expression of his owner didn't help at all.

However, before another breakout of rage could've hit the designer, he unexpectedly fell to the ground.

"Master!" The kwami almost immediately cried. "What's wrong!?"

Gabriel didn't respond, he simply rested his hands against the cold ground as if he were seeking solace from the earth itself.

Truth was that he was just too lost and hurt to even be able to communicate or do any actions other than breaking down.

The man who long ago believed in the warmth of love was now sobbing because of unspoken words and the ghostly fragrance of memories which hang heavy in the air, intertwining with the symphony of his cries.

"Everything Nooroo." he admitted.
"Everything is wrong. I lost myself, Emilie and now Mayura too. I feel as if I would be losing Adrien too. Worst part is that I don't know how to help it. It's as if I would have this deadly sickness that had no cure, no way to ease the pain. I-I-I just c-can't anymore-" His voice was filled with grief and regret of all kinds.

The man almost felt haunted by the echoes of dreams that were too far out of reach, like getting Emilie and reuniting that once happy family.

In that moment this all appeared as broken wishes scattered widely across the canvas of his efforts.

The hopes that once sparkled with inspiration now seemed dimmed, this representing a harsh moment of realization that it would never come true.

It was impossible.
It always had been.

"Master" the weak voice of the little butterfly could be heard faintly.

He was really scared to say what he wanted to, but after all Nooroo couldn't bare seeing his owner like this.

Even if Gabriel had hurt him a million times, used him to create evil plans and terrorize Paris, there was something, some sort of friendship which the kwami felt between himself and the grey haired man.

Therefore, with a lot of built up courage and effort Nooroo said: "Maybe Mayura did make a fair point" his voice shook as Gabriel's eyes lit up in pure anger "...she was only protecting her own feelings, you can't blame her for that."

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