Ch no 1

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Assalam o alaikum!!

Guys I decided to write the first chapter from her past! I wanted it to go this way so that I could explain it from her past too. So the part from where I writing her childhood is from her of being age 17.As soon as you get on next chap, you'll find out. Please read 2 or 3 chapters before juding my book.

Love ua all! Be happy and keep smiling❤️❤️


I headed outside where all of my friends were waiting for me. "Mom" I shouted.."yes,yes" she answered.. "I am going outside with my friends okiii" I again shouted.."okay dear,be careful"

...My name is haya .and I am only 17.People say that I talk too much but for me it's nothing..just simple sayings.. as I don't say words that would hurt others..just try my best to make others laugh or annoyed..yeah that's ever !!

....I ran towards the gate towards my freind as they were already waiting for me. I was running due to which I stummbled on my step that was about to make me fall.. As my friends just stood theirs laughing at my expressions changing..we took our cycles and went off cycling.. I was enjoying too much as I didn't saw a bike coming towards me in full speed..

"Wth the hell" I shouted. Ou that really hurted as I literally falled back on my butt.

"Are you blind or something ...I again shouted stabling my cycle that just fell off. "Ufff,let's just go" I said to my friend that was beside me probably angry on that person..

That person just said" you should have watched your way" and I trying my best to hold my anger moved forward...

Again cycling as I saw my child hood friend named "hadi" yeah I liked his name.. we were besties until one day something really small happened that our friend ship broke..

"The past"

We were running around playing" catch me iff you can" when he suddenly pushed me . Making me fall on the street ..causing blood to ooz out of my knee.. I wasn't really concerned but my friend named irhaa went and told her parents that he pushed me .. it wasn't that much big but his parents scolded him .after that we never talked.
"End of past"

Despite the fact that I still tried to talk to him but he would just give me short answers.. I knew his parents also adored me alot but still...

" hey what are you planning on your birthday" squeaked mira one of my friend.. " nothing just something simple" I replied "ohoo c,mon! We want treat from you okayy" I just rolled my eyes at her as she maked a puppy face.." okii! I said just don't annoy me huh!" "Yeah" squealed both amani and mira!! Huh girls , I thought to my self!!

We planned my birthday and yep it was celebrated with alot of happiness.. not that I always got bored with my family but I was just soo happy with my friends as they just ruined one cake by putting my whole face on it.. so we had to order another. "Gurlzz" right i thought to my self ..

the birthday day was gone as I had turned 18..I went to college happily .. our family was not much rich nor were we poor !! We were just normal you could say that.. mum says that I am not mature at all!

I had been through teen depression and god I know how much pain full is that.. nor I could tell my parents as I was afraid to tell them that how would they react.. how ever I went through it Alhumdulilah! And it just gave me ability to see people's real self ...their hidden truth.. I didn't know what caused it as it is said that depression had no reason!!! I had no one at that time...

I was alone you can say that.. that caused me to explore more in my religion.. I came to know that it was a simple reliegon and people make it soo complicated even it's not..
In my words,

" Life is just like a flower. A baby borns like a flower grow into a bud..a baby turns into adults as a bud turns into a blooming beautiful flower, and as a person dies just like a flower rots and goes into the world after.. that moves a person into another world where he has to pay for all of his deeds.. for me life is just like an exam like students sit in examination hall to give their paper just like we are send into this world to give an exam just that we don't have seat mates we have families.. and death is inevitable it will come at any time no matter how much you hide.. !!
...and that Allah became my best friend .. he the rich one and i the poor one.. I would cry in front of him and ask for help and he helped me soothing my heart and for that I started believing in destiny..

... she is just a happy soul and just mind her own business with a soft heart a heart as clean as mirror.. neither she knows what is coming up next that she'll be tested in various ways.. she was just a girl who always believed in destiny and believed that time returns changing the victim bringing happiness...

Assalam o alaikum guys .. I hope you all are fine..
this is my first story ever .. so please do vote and appericiate As I am not much older just soon to be 16😁
How ever don't forget to give me good wishes!!
Love you all!! Be happy and safe❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Regards: hudaa ❤️❤️❤️

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