Ch no 22

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The wind hitting my face.. the rain soaking.. the thunder clarking..the whooshing of trees.. and there was a broken girl running to safe her life.. with no hope but something that she herself doesn't know..

The lightning again showed on the sky.. making a loud sound!! Her hairs flying with the wind as she ran!!

The lightning clarked again and again making the trees to show their shade in the dark!!

Her broken self,her broken soul!!

That could never be joined again!! That could never heal!!

She ran !! With her twisted foot!! Blood drops that kept on mixing with the rain drops..

With tears that were now coming!! But still she couldn't feel anything!!

Just drops !! That are falling out of her eyes!!

Not knowing where she is going!!

People say life goes on.. but looks like it is still for her..

Shivering in the cold !!

What a brave girl she was!!

She never failed!!

She just kept on running bare foot on the grass..

Hearing the wild ones making sound!! But they couldn't attack her.. due to the storm..

Her inside storm was silent but the outside storm was crying her misery..

Because a broken soul is running for her life!!because an innocent girl's life is filled with misery..

She kept on running but she fell on the ground!

She bend on the ground.. her hands and knees on the ground and she was half in sujood..

She screamed out her misery.. she was shivering badly..

She fell losing once again..feeling this is her end but no!! This isn't!!

She has to survive!! She has to!!

For the one who is waiting for her thinking it's her care and love for her sister!! Who himself doesn't know that he is in love with her!!

I am in a beautiful place!! There are flowers everywhere!! My favorite ones!!

Daisy!! I am covered with them!!

The weather is so beautiful just like the one by whom's order it is!!

The warm breeze hitting my face...

I am dancing and running in the field..

I see a beautiful dear!! It has beautiful horns..and light brown skin.. it's horns are spread like a crown on it's head..

I am playing with the deer now.. I am running with him.. he is licking my face and I am giggling..

I am soo much happy!!

I opened my eyes with a warm breath of something ..

I opened my eyes and saw the same deer..

He was kissing my cheecks..

I sat down and saw where I am?

The deer motioned to a direction..

I looked there and saw the town..


It was showing from there..

But how??

This is help from Allah.. my heart said!! He helped me even when I loosed hope!! He loves me!!

As I said thank you to the deer.. and it went away..

Vanishing into the jungle!!

I was still soaked.. and was shivering!! It was still raining but it had slowed down!! The storm had slowed down but not the rain!!

I am feeling soo much cold!!

But keep on going towards the city!!

A little hope
That keeps her alive
A little hope
That keeps her happy
A little hope
That keeps her fighting
And that hope


Salam!! I hope you enjoyed..

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Love ya all❤️❤️

Be happy amd take lots of care😊😊❤️❤️❤️

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