Ch no 27

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Hadi went to bring icecream from refrigerator..Me on the other hand lost in another world..I thought about the time when I'll be going to cycling..when my friends would come to take me from my home..I really was a fiesty girl..but it was vanished because of my folishness??

There was an awkward silence in between us when sahil started speaking "what are you thinking haya? Are you okay?" At first I couldn't understand what he was saying but then it became clear to me..

"Umm..nothing I was just worr.. wondering about something.." I spoke making it clear to him that I was not thinking something stupid..

"How was Ibraheem? And mamie? It really had been long time since they came here" he spoke thinking about the last time when we all gathered.

"Alhumdulilah..everyone was fine before I left" I answered..

"Left to where?" He questioned me and I looked at looked like that my face spoke everything .. "You don't have to tell me everything's okay..I'll go and check on hadi.what's taking him so long" with that said he stood up leaving his chair..and disappeared towards the kitchen..

I inhaled deeply taking in everything..calming myself when the scene of him smaking me came infront of my eyes.. "everything will be alright!!haya be strong" I said to myself.. "He is not here"calming myself more and more..sometimes I feel like breaking down again..but still keeps my gaurd..I gulped down my tears..rubbing my eyes again and then hadi came along with sahil following behind like a lost puppy..

I smiled at him..and saw icecream in his hands..yay!! He put the icecream infront of me..I looked at it licking my lips...not caring about that both of them are infront of me ..I immediately held a spoon full of choclate icecream along with choclate chips..after a long time!!I thought to myself..

Hadi and sahil didn't said anything and also started devouring their icecream..after eating I stood up to clean the table.. "haya! Don't do it! You should rest"

"No I am perfectly fine!" I fought back. "Just go as I said" after fighting alot I went to my room accepting defeat..

After performing ablution..I asked the maid for quran...she gave it to me with a warm smile..I smiled back at her..holding the holy book in my hands..feeling the peace just by jolding it..what peace will I get when I'll read it..

I went to my room.and sat on the bed with crossed legs. I opened the holy book,and felt my brain getting empty.I red Surah AL-REHMAN and then Surah AL-WAQA.both my favorite surah.

She felt lots of emotions.she was half crying half smiling half in confusion and full in peace. Sometimes you yourself won't understand your feelings.this is what happened to her.she wanted to leave everything.her mobile was broken to pieces by the one who is the cause of her this state.she didn't forgive him. How could she? She just left it all to her lord. He will punish him if he wants and will forgive him if he wants. She just don't want to think about anything that is related to him. Her self isn't ready to think about him. She is away from him amd she feels good at just that..Leaving everything . Just letting it be. She red the holy book . That is full of secrets. She felt good!

After reading the holy book for two hours. I Went downstairs! "Hadi!" I called.. "Hadi!" I again called..where is everyone?

I went to check in the kitchen,then went to dining room . I don't know this place.. I called him again. I asked a maid that was duting the furniture. She told me he might be in his room. I don't know where his room is . She took me there And left me. I knocked at the door "Come in!" I heared his voice .with that I opened the door. And saw him sitting on the bed using his mobile. His room was beautiful and cleaned too. And he was looking handsome sitting there. I could hardly look at him. Feeling weird butterflies in my stomach.. What is happening to me? I need to get outa here.

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