Ch no 17

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I was still sleeping peacefully..

He was looking at her angelic form sleeping.. not him his friend.. in whose home she was kept..

I felt like someone is staring at me.. and then I immediately remembered where I am.. oh no!
I got up rubbing my eyes.. as I looked at the person sitting in front of me .. with his blue eyes staring at me like nothing else but a hawk.. he was no less scary then beast..he was more a ghost with his tattoos.. that I immediately hated..

"U woke up!" He said
"As u can see mister my eyes are open so that means I am awake" I replied with alot hatred showing in my words "for your kind information.. why did you came without knocking.. don't you have any shame.." I said immediately getting up..

He got a little angry.. but his anger was looking like a volcano tearing apart..
"Dear.. I am not saying u anything as my friend told me not to hurt you..but I won't mind slapping right on your beautiful just eat the food I brought" he said seriously scaring the witts out of her..

Let me explain what happened briefly..

He gave me food to eat.. two times a day.. he would visit me everyday bringing in food which I never ate..first two days passed .. and I was getting weaker and light headed due to lack of food..then I decided to eat it.. cuz it is given by Allah for me.. and he is the one who is providing me food..I would spend my time in prayers.. thanking Allah to take the beast away from me.. and asking him to help me run from here.. I am planning to run.. soon. As always he came to give me food.. I was offering prayer and didn't cared to evem look at him.. I would just talk to my lord.. one dah he came and I didn't had my hijab on.. I immediately put it on .. as he looked at me with some look that I couldn't judge.. but he cursed as if remembering something.. "I would not have resist if it was not for my friend.." I heared him whisper.. as I felt shivers down my spine..

He again came and I was beside my bedside.. you would probably thinking that I could have ran from the window but I couldn't.. I was on the 3 rd building and even if I jumped there would have been no chance of my alivance..

He put the food as I stare at the door that was opened.. I don't know what came in my mind.. but I kicked right on his sensitive part.. as he yelped on pain.. and I ran..

I ran from there.. my heart was beating fast.. with lot of fear of getting caught again.. the mansion was a little away from the population..but i reached the town soon.. with lots of fear.. and my disheveled state.. but thankfully i felt no one following me..

I reached a pharmacy.. as I was so thirsty.. I came across a couple..
"Help me please.. I am in trouble.. someone is following me" I said
They looked at me with concern
"Dear we won't ask you what happened but you need to go to the hospital.." they said and they made me sit in the car.. I started crying.. I am free. I have ran away from there.. now he won't do anything..

I am kept in hospital it's been 3 days.. no sign of the beast or anyone..

That couple has been taking care of me.. I got to k ow that the woman was pregnant.. only 2 months

"Salam dear" she smiled.. her name is eman..
"Wa.salam" I replied
"I bought you chicken soup it'll give you strength". She said with a huge smile

"Thanks for taking care of me.. I never thought I would survive" i said sadly

"Don't worry.. you know what Allah has kept for us is the best.. you should not worry.. he is watching everything.. he will help you" she said

I just gave a smile

"Now drink the soup before it gets cold" she said as she started feeding me

THE DESTINY BELIEVER (a muslim love story)Where stories live. Discover now