Ch no 23

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I keep on going now!!

Shivering badly still..

I don't want anything but to be far away from here!! To be safe!! And nothing..

The wind blowed again making me shiver again.. I cover me arms with my hands..

I remembered that I don't have anything to cover my head!!

What should I do??

Even in this situation she don't want anyone to see her hair.. this is the strong believe.. she want to protect herself.. and hide her precious self..

I found a large leaf.. like those on banana trees.. but it was small... not large..

I tore it in half to cover my head!!

And crossed the fence!!

Hoping for someone to come... to come to safe me...

She is feeling so much numb and she can't let out her feelings.. all she want now is just to be safe..just to be in her room.. in her mother's embrace that is really a warm one.. that could stop her shiverings...

Her mother always told her to learn to be independent... that's why she told her to go outside every time.. to do grocery or any other work... because she needs to learn to communicate with people.. to see the outside world..

I walked there was no one .. it looked like that it's just 5am..

I saw a girl standing on a path..she was wearing a uniform and she looked like a college student..

My shivering and broken form find it's ways to her.. I went to her

She looked at me disgusted..

It was difficult to even form words..

With much difficulty I asked her "can you help me?"

She immediately answered "go away you beggar.."

And the world left my feet.. it increased my inside pain even more

Now people are calling me beggar..

Now I feel pain of those who are poor.. who have to beg beacuse of their helplessness

I hope Allah show her the right path..

My vision was starting to become blurry..due to the cold that kept on hitting me harshly..

I need to find someone before I can't do it..,

I started walking with my heart lips frozen that were clattering and were unstoppable..

I couldn't control anything..

Even my own weight was too much for me..

O how much I wish that I was in my room.. drinking my favorite juice ..

I kept on walking holding my self..

I saw three boys at a corner..

Putting in all the efforts in not to loose concious...

I went to them.. they didn't seem to be noticing my presence..

Not getting the power to speak I held one of them's shirt from back...

He looked at me and I whispered....looking down..

"Help me" my voice broken at the end...

And there I fell..

I felt him holding my petite form.. I felt his warm hands around my waist.. and I felt a little relief!! I am safe...and I couldn't hold it anymore..

Not any longer...

I let darkness engulf me..

The darkness to cover me...!



Hope you enjoyed..
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Be happy😊😊
Love ya all❤️❤️❤️

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