Ch. no 7

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I was shocked as I saw her at first..I flinched due to the sudden opening of the door..
"Haya!!you are coming with us oka!"said mira ...
I knew that she will take me with her outside by hook or crook

"I don't wanna go! Can't you see I am sick" I pretend to be coughing saying this..

"Enough haya we had been listening this sick word of yours for weeks now you are coming with me !!" She said and started pulling me with her towards the door.. suddenly mommi came in

I looked at her with the look save me
But she just smiled and said.. " yes mira daughter take her with you..she will get more sick staying like this at home" .. she said

There I knew their is no turning back..
I told her "okay I am coming now let me wear my joggers and scarf" I said

"Okay!I am waiting come hurry" she said waving at me

I just rolled my eyes at her and fixed my scarf wearing my favorite joggers and taking my cycle with me I went outside...

Thankfully neither did i saw that psycho nor did I saw the one who once called me cupcake...
I was happy that I didn't saw him..we went towards the nearest ground that is especially made for bike riders...

I was so happy forgetting about everything.i enjoyed every moment with my friends.. after getting tired we sat under the tree shade ..with the wind blowing my friend farwa and noori went to take some drinks...

Lost in my world I looked at the sky..that was shining brightly..with the wind that blew through the leaves making a noise that felt like a song to me.the birds chirping as I saw a beautiful butterfly that flew infront of me..swaying its wings like moving at the rhythm of a song that was hearable I guess only by me.. for a moment I closed my eyes forgetting everything ..praising the one who created me.. the one who loves me more than 70 moms...lost in another world ..forgetting everything I felt soo heart feeling as light as a feather..
And that moment I didn't even realized that my friend had bought the drinks .. opening my eyes.. I looked at the drinks as I took a sip ..feeling calmer the cold liquor went inside me ..comforting me more and more..
It was really a peaceful moment as we heared azan and decided to go home.. we went home and thankfully there was no one..

my friend did told me that hassan is gone somewhere since 3 days and hadi had went to his cousins in vanice

I had no cousin living near my house.. they lived in other city...

I went inside my house performed ablution and offered my prayer.. after that I decided to cook something..i went downstairs

"Mommi, don't cook anything today I'll cook something okii" i informed her

"Then probably we'll starve mom! Don't let her cook" said my annoying brother
"You shut up okay" I shouted back

"Stop you two!! Haya go cook what you want" she said while smiling..

"Thank you mommi" I said
And I made some sandwiches with mango juice was so tastey .. I loved it.. and didn't unnoticed my brother devouring them I just laughed at him...

I went in my room .. and started going through social a memory came in my mind

I was alone home ..and was busy using my mobile..
mommi And ibraheem were gone to market as ibraheem wanted to buy a dress for him...I didn't wanted to go so i stayed

Battery low than 3 percent

My mobile showed as I shut my mobile and went in the lounge watching tv..

Suddenly the light went off.. as there was darkness everywhere .. I tried to find a torch but couldn't....
And suddenly horror scenes came in my mind..and I shuddered thinking about them

You know in such type of situation all horror scenes do come in your mind.. even if you try to brush them off.. the same thing happened to me..

As I screamed!! Thinking that someone is watching me .. I immediately started reciting aytal kursi.. as I ran towards the main door.. my foot hit something and I thought that someone did it as I screamed again not knowing what to do...!
Suddenly someone knocked at the door.. thinking that it was mommi I opened but it was no one than hadi..
He with concern asked me "What happened?"
"There is someone in my house" I said while thinking that who it was !! That made me fall

"There is. No one it was just your thought" he said
" no there is come and check yourself" he came and checked each and everything with his mobile in his hands with light on...

" look there is no one" he said to me who was hiding behind him

" hmm!!" I just hummed

"Where's your mobile by the way" he asked. " the battery is dead" i answered... " o what a coincidence.. if i wasn't passing from outside you probably would have fainted .. being the scaredy cat you are" he said laughing

... i just pouted at his words....
" okay let me call your friend she'll accompany you...give me her number I'll call her" he said reminding that I told him that my phone's battery was dead
I gave him her number and he called her.. giving me the phone to answer.. I told her to come.. not answering much questions she ask being the question girl....

She came and hadi left...
I just thanked god that he was passing by or else what would have happened??

End past

I laughed as I reminded how he saved me that day... but then Remembered what he said to me.. just then i heared azan as I offered my prayer.. reciting quran sharing everything with my lord after that I slept

Some feelings may make you cry
Some may happy
But what I wish for is
Being the person whom Allah will like
Just wanting to
Be in the top 10 list of his favorite people

Assalam o alaikum everyone !! I hope you enjoyed!! I am deciding to write another story after this one .. but let me finish this

I will probably ginish it soon InshAllah 😊
Love ya all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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