Ch no 35

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I got injured while our fight because of those fucking bustards. Well I didn't got very much injured just got a shot on my right arm. We won and all of them were finished sadly, except for we captured one of them alive, that is in the hospital under cover by many many soldiers, one of our private hospitals especially made for them who get hurt or sick while being in prison. I was hell too much worried and afraid as well but it went smoothly, except we didn't knew that they would know that we are there to fight them but with the help of the lord , the most gracious and the most merciful, we made it!

Practically , I am still a little scared and literally feeling nauseous , not because of the fight but for my injury. It was least expected and somewhere I knew that I and my other partners are going to fight, so we'll get injured. Now, I don't know what to do? But I know what ever will happen will be the best for me. Nothing goes on like we plan it but, everything happens by the will of Allah. And I could actually imagine me getting scolded as a giggle escaped my lips while I drove.

It is night time and I am heading towards home after being there for damn 30 hours, like everything needed to be cleared. Right now I am so much tired and sleep deprived, but I need to go home now. It's 2:00 in the night so everyone will probably be sleeping. Actually I was happy that I got to stay away from that creepy weird hadi, now don't tell me not to judge him, he messed up with me so I can say him such words. Like I have my right! Uhh!!

So as I steped on the doorstep of not mine but Hadi's home because we are staying there because of the stupid wedding of mine. Who wants to be married? I don't want to!

Then the thought hit my mind. God damn it! Ugh! Now what should I do? I whined while gaping at the door because I don't want to have any spare keys. With the plaster on my right arm. I dialed the number of the only person who will not make such a drama actually he does, but he'll understand me! That's odd between us!

"Assalam o alaikum!" I spoke through the phone with voice that was audible enough for me and him to listen.

"Haaa....Wa —laikum assalam! What is it haya and now at this hour?" I could hear him from the other line and I knew it that I disturbed his sleep. Well a little surprised that I called him after damn days and he is talking to me in that way! Ignoring the urge to go and snap at him. I whisper commaded!

"Ugh! Come and open the door. I don't have any spare keys!"

"No I am not coming and don't disturb me" and with that he cut the call. Well he will regret saying no to me.

I won't let him sleep until he listens to me. I started calling him again. He picked up after 4rth ring. And I could hear him getting annoyed by me. Well, his fault! He didn't acted on my command.

"Hey come and open the door! I am saying. If you won't listen then you'll regret it" I spoke like 'sing a song'

"Uhhhh! What the hell is your problem?" He whined on the other side making me smirk and almost laugh at his words! As I could imagine him whining .

"I am waiting!" Hurry up and come!"

Waiting for like 4 minutes I heared the door click and I saw ibraheem . His hair in a state that were really showing that he was sleeping and I am the one who disturbed his sleep.

His expressions could make any crying person to laugh that told me that I am the most annoying girl in the world! He hugged me with a smile on his face. Atleast he remembered that I was gone. When he pulled apart his eyes went on my plaster and I knew what will happen now! His eyes widen in shock and he yelled "o my god haya what is this? How did you get injured. Oh Allah!" I immediately put my hand on his mouth to prevent him from yelling.

"Shh! Will you stop yelling?" I whispered and he gave me a sorry look.

"Let me come in then I'll tell you." I spoke and went past him and sat on the plushed sofa.

"It was an accident!" I spoke wanting to make a good excuse to make him believe my words. I can't tell him that I went to a fight and got a shot and was so near death, that'll sound stupid. He didn't asked further questions instead he said "well what can I say? Be careful around where ever you go!" He spoke as if he is elder than me. I just rolled my eyes at his words and he left the dining. I went in the kitchen to get me a glass of water. I drove the whole time with my left arm that wasn't difficult because our training is more difficult than this.

Trying my best not to spill the water, I successfully poured it in the glass. After drinking like one and a half glass of water, with a little fear that someone will come and see my injured arm. But I know that I'll have to make an excuse, I can't hide out everywhere, and everyone is not like ibraheem that they'll not ask me the main reason, no matter how much I wished the were but it is not possible. Applause for my stupid thinking.

I found some leftover pasta in the fridge and I put it in the oven. After it was heated well, I held the plate in my hand as I inhaled it's beautiful scent that watered my mouth and pour me a glass of cock. Now don't tell me that I drink like a goat, I was actually really thirsty and pasta won't be pasta without cock.

Puting both of them on the tray, I decided to eat in my room. Trying my best not to spill the cock, I walked carefully towards my room.

Watching my steps carefully and staring at the glass like casting a spell on it 'not to fall'. Someone held me from behind as I was going to scream but my mouth was covered with a big hand preventing me from screaming, my feets halted and my heart beat fastened as if runing a marathon as the glass and my pasta flew and almost fell on the floor but didn't because it was held by whoever covered my mouth. I actually thought that I was going to be kidnapped as the thoughts of what happened in the past raked in my mind. I looked at the person who became the cause of my cock to half spill but was successful in preventing my pasta to fall and half of the cock from spilling.

I gasped at looking him who stood in front of me with all his might and I could clearly see amazement in his those black eyes . And I couldn't help but stay in that position , he holding me and staring deep in my eyes as if wanting to find my soul!!



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