Ch no 10

42 4 0

Haya's pov

I woke up by the call of fajr.. I got up yawning!! As I got up and my head started spinning.. guess it's because when sometime you are sleepy and wake up immediately...your head spins

The same thing is happening to me.. however I went in the bathroom... first freshing myself.. then performing ablution...

After that I am going to pray..
I have done praying and as I looked outside the window... the morning was soo beautiful

Just like the lord who created them...

I decided to go for a walk.. as it has been days since I went out for a fresh walk...

I went to my mommi's room.. and told her that I am going for a walk... she didn't stop me as I am an independent girl.. and have also learned karate skills.. since I was 8

I put on my joggers .. cover my head with my hijab loosely... wore my loose track suit ... yeah I don't like tight clothing.. as they show off your body...and I don't like anyone to stare at me.. cuz myself is precious for me...

I went out as the cold breeze hit me... refreshing me more and more...

I went to the ground... and ran 4 rounds of it .. it is about 800 metres round shaped...

There were many people .. much were elders .. exercising there.. and the cricket team .. that comes there every day ... I guess they are deciding to go in the creicket future maybe!!

I was all sweaty.. then i went home took a bath and decided to prepare breakfast... I didn't disturbed momi .. I told her that I'll prepare it...

As ibraheem was sleeping

I make omelette with 3 slices of toast.. and a glass of milk

Most of the people drink coffe or tea in morning but I prefer the opposite..

After so many days I have not slept after praying.. other wise I would be sleeping by now..

I ate my breakfast... and also prepared some salad for my mom.. my mum eats salad first then eat something like.. chapatti or something..

However i went in my room.. and saw a notification.. it says that my exam is the day after tomorrow..

Why'd they inform this late..

I spent my all day and the day tomorrow in preparation of exam and in thoughts

What would happen? I will be selected right?? I hope so that it goes right.. what if it went wrong? What if I forget everything at the time ?
All the thoughts covered my mind..

As I relaxed my self by saying that Allah is with me... he will help me as always

Hadi's pov

I red the notification that the exams for army are going to be the day after tomorrow..

I knew she'd be in confusion.. but I know that she'll relax herself as she is an expert in doing this..

I wish that everything goes smoothly and fine.. and that she gets selected.. it was her dream.. about which she would always talk about...

Haya's pov

I went to give my exam.. and thankfully everything went smoothly .. they took my fitness test first which I passed.. then started my exam

They told us that the result will be announced tomorrow...

Today is the result .. as I am waiting for it to be announced ... as I got best luck wishes from mira ,farwa and noori, ibraheem and moomi and auntie and mahad.. all of them gave me best wishes and consoled me not to worry

I waited and waited... till a notification came.. my hands froze .. as my heart was beating out of my chest..
gathering all the courage I opened it..

Congratulations!! You are selected!!

It said .. I was quite for a moment as I read what it said again and again!!

Then I screamed in happiness as I started jumping up and down ..

"Yeah!!!!!" I shouted

Mommi And ibraheem came in running
"What happened dear?" Mom asked with full concern

" i got selected!!" I shouted hugging her!

As she didn't reacted to my words
" what did you say?"
She asked again

" she said she got selected" this time my bro answered

" o my dear i am soo happy for you!! May you be successful and help others in future" she said congratulating me..

As I just nodded

Okay maybe i got a little emotional but it was my dream come true

Dream bigg
For the less to come to you
But that less will be
Greater than your big dream

I was so happy as mommi arranged a party for me.. on my success
"You will be called at the end of the year for your training"

It said.. means I am free for almost half a year..

I will spend much time with my family..

The part was so awesome ... everyone was congratulating me.. as I was more concerned about my gifts..
they were all my fav.. most of them were books.. as I am addicted to books..

The party was over soon.. as I went in my room after cleaning up!!
I sat on the prayer mat and thanked Allah

" thankyou Allah soo much!! I am soo happy Allah!! Thankyou for helping me all the time.. thankyou for giving me so much happiness!! I am very happy Allah!! You always loved me even when I was away from you!! When I was in darkness.. you helped me come to light.. o how much thankful I am.. o Allah do protect me and my family from the bad.. Allah thanks soo much again!! Ameen"
Sharing my feelings with my lord.. I recited holy quran..
after that i sat on the bed to read unread messages..

I got one text from hadi
" congratulations!!" It said
" thanks" I just gave a simple reply...
as I answered other messages!!
After that I slept .. reading aytalkursi

Thanking Allah once again for everything....

I am so happy today!! Thanks Allah

Hadi's pov

I got the news from ibraheem that she got selected.. I was so happy for her.. but sad too .. that she'll be gone for 4 years.. to complete the course.. I just wanted to go there fast and apologize to her about the hell that I said to her..... and spend more quality time with her...I hadn't listened anything about hassan and I am thankful that he is gone to god knows what place!!!


Salam everyone 😊
I hope everyone doin fine
Such a long chap it was right!!
I am going to add the twist in next chap .. as I wanted my story to be long.. I added her time with her family.. I hope you didn't got 😐..

Take care😊😊 love ya all❤️❤️❤️
Be happy 😊

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