Ch no 14

42 4 0

Hadi's pov

I talked to haya's mom ... and she told me that haya has went to travel a bit around the city.. as she wants to spend some time alone..

She has turned 18 today as today is her birthday .. I wished her but she didn't replied me back..

I think she has turned on silent mode...

I was a bit happy that she took this decision at least she is away from that punk!!

I really hate that person!!

And knowing that he is the son of the biggest business man!! He thinks he owns everything infact he doesn't!!

Now i don't need to rush there just to be by her side that i know she is not there ... probably enjoying her vacations...
I was lost as Sahil called me!!

Little did he know that she is not safe but in the trap of the devil.. she is not away she is too close to the one from whom she wanted to run away.. as the destiny will bring them together.. and he will become her savior by the will of Allah!!
Haya's pov

I was by the sea side.. enjoying the breeze..
I love ocean.. it is just soo deep.. it makes you feel so many things.. as suddenly a storm came.. the waves started rising to the sky with the sky itself turning dark.. as I wished that it would remain the same.. suddenly a person grabbed me from behind as I on my own accord started running.. the person chased after me as I just went in the ocean.. just to be away from him..


Letting the cold but warm water in her senses.. with her life fading away like smoke ..

Came the water on me.. as I hysterically woke up!! As the water covered my hair and my eyelids.. as I try to understand what is happening to me..

"Wake up!! Are you going to sleep like that all day.. if you sleep how will I enjoy?" He said huskily

As tear formed in my eyes.. I am not going to cry.. I am strong .. don't cry haya.. don't!! Be strong!!

He caressed my cheeks .. as I kept my gaze down..

I will not look at him.. Inkept my eyes on my hands that were red and purple due to the ropes .. I could see those marks from the side of the ropes..

He held my chin and make me look at him.. but I kept my gaze anywhere but not him..

"Look at me!" He ordered

How dare he!!

I didn't!

"I said look at me" he shouted

I didn't

"Fuck!! I said look at me can't you damn understand me!" With that said he started opening my ropes..

What is he doing..

As he locked the door!!

Red alarms started beeping in my mind.. but I still looked down!!

He started taking off his shirt.. he just opened two of his buttons as I felt that he is taking off his shirt..

"You bitch! Won't look at me!! Now I will show you.. now you will not only look at me but you will obey me too" he threatened..

As I felt my heart dropping..

I need to stay alive.. you need to stay alive haya.. so just obey him.. and when I'll get the chance.. I'll run away from here!!

"Okay! I will obey you but please don't take off your shirt" I pleaded!!

I could feel him smirk as he opened the door and sat in front of me

"You know what!! You are beautiful!! The first day I saw you .. I really wanted to claim you!"

"Other girls will through them selves at me but look at you.. aren't you soo ungrateful?" He said

As my heart started to crack.. I couldn't feel myself.. as his words ran in my mind.. I still don't have my hijab on.. with a little anger developing in me I said "I am not other girls" as I saw his muscles tensing.. and a sudden rage in him.. as he forced me to look at him again

I obeyed him as I saw his eyes colour was dark green.. the colour like a jungle .. but his eyes colour suddenly turned dark..

As I cursed in my mouth " astaghfirullah" I kept on saying in my mind..

He was staring at me like I'm a piece of meat.. as he started to take my sleeve from one side down as I quickly held it..

He won't!!

As he glared at me but I didn't let go!!

Suddenly his phone rang "fuck!!! What the hell!!" He shouted as I shuddered a bit

His voice was echoing in the room..

He went to attend the call outside the door as I quickly set my self taking my chance to cover my head..

As I heared "why did you called me mom?" Is this a way of talking to elders..
I heared him say "ok! I will come to attend the meeting" with that he hung up..
I put my hijab on..

So he was going on a meeting!!
He came in with sudden rage as he took large steps towards me .. making me crawl back..

As he held my hair under my hijab..

"You know what !! I am in a bad mode .."
He said
And I looked at him confused..

"I want you to please me" he said like it was of no deal.. and my eyes widened..

What? Is it my fault that he is in a bad mode? Why would i please him? Am I a toy or something?

I was hella angry.. "why would I please you?" I said without fear ..
He left out a chuckle and said "cuz I want u to"

"Now get up quickly" he said as he sat in the chair losening his first three buttons but I didn't move

What is he saying? I am not his servant!! I won't!! Even if he would kill me but I won't.. don't he know that it is haram..

"Hurry up!!" He shouted..

But I didn't move.. I just looked at my hands

He is making me do unforgettable sins in return of those slaps.. but why?

He was the one who messed with me first..

He got up from his chair and threw my hijab away..

As I covered my head with my hands

"You won't do it? Then I will.." he said
As fear and anger started creeping up my body..

"And never take that thing in front of me again" he said pointing towards my hijab ..

As he pushed me back.. but I held my self.. half falling.. with my hands on the floor and my back not touching the ground.. I was in type of sitting position.. half laying..

As he crept over me..

No!! This can't happen..

"Noo!! Please don't do anything!" I pleaded

But he doesn't seemed to listen.. he was looking at me with lust filled in his eyes ..

As he hovered over me and I tried my best not to lay down..

Love is a different thing
If love is filled with body affection
Then it is not love!!just a way of
Destroying you!!
Cuz love includes all the emotions
And all the feelings
That a person never felt..
It makes you weak
Same way it makes you stronger
I just can't understand love..
As it includes pain too??

Salam guys..

I hope you enjoy
Take care.. be happy😊 love ya all❤️❤️❤️
Allah hafiz

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