Ch no 25

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haya's pov

I can't believe it's hadi..who came for me as a saviour..I am safe.. I succeeded in running away from there..

but right now I need some time alone..I want to be alone right now..right now I really can't understand anything...

Lives there the girl with broken self
Fighting herself in the inn
She'll succeed and win the war
And will get the reward from her creater
Who is watching everything!!

HE on the other hand instead of asking something else asked me "haya who did this to you?"and then all memories hit me like a truck..I can't break down infront of him..trying my best to stop my tears and ignorring his questions I asked him to leave..and thankfully his cousins whom I had met many times.. they are our relatives from my mothers side...more like cousins so I know them.. and it's just fate that me and hadi also know each other..that's why we all were close..
But it's been months since I met them..

'she need some time alone' bilal spoke and thankfully he left..still giving me an unsure look

'I will put the clothes on the bed' he said and left..

I closed the door and sighed..

I don't know what should I do?

my brain is not working right..without thinking much I went to the rest room ignoring all the bruises on my skin..I stood in front of the mirror wearing a bath robe...after taking a long cold bath..

I stare at my eyes..they once were filled with light..once I was a happy soul..once I was a normal girl..but I am not normal right now...

what was my fault huh? what did I do? is it my fault that he ... h..e did this to me? how could someone be so ruthless?

why..? my eyes were void of any emotion..blanck..I looked at my neck face wrists that were looking not normal..I was kept like animals.. but .why? just for loving my brother? as pain hit me..I let it be..what my mom might be doing? what will ibraheem be doing right now? What will I tell them..should I hide it..yeah I will..I can't tell them anything..they'll get hurt like me too..

holding eyes filled with tears "look haya how everything turned upside down..jus..t  lo..ok at your self..what have you became" I said to no one in particular but to myself..I have became something that can't be healed again..I can't do anything..right I am helpless..

I smiled at my self looking in the mirror..'look what your believe in destiny brought you' a tear rolled down my face.'.just look at yourself..' I wore the clothes that the maid brought in my room..wearing them holding my tears that didn't seem to stop.. the maid was also looking at me worried but didn't ask anything..why would she? people ,might be happy seeing my misery..I sat on the bed and held my head..

what now? you wanted to be a fighter ..right.. now fight..why are you crying huh..?

my own self kept on blaming me..I can't change the fact,,it really is my fault..all because of myself..I brought this to me..

Hurt hit me agian..making myself ache..I put my hand on my brave self have happy soul have I also want to die...I don't want live anymore..all my smile have faded..he broke me like i was a glass.. he made me feel helpless. 'you are helpless haya' I fell down sitting on the floor..putting my hand on my heart and tears kept on falling..

I sobbed to myself..I cried to myself..I wanted to die..I can't live anymore..what's the use of living now..? 'haya you failed failed your own self...

THE DESTINY BELIEVER (a muslim love story)Where stories live. Discover now