Ch no 6

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"Umm!!what is soo important that you want to say to me?"i asked

"It's just something now sit down and listen to me u stupid" he said .. what i felt in his words was


Never in my life he got angered on me or even looked at me like that.. he would be looking down always as he knows that there is something "keep your gaze down" in islam..
" why are you talking to me like that huh?" I said annoyed or probably confused

" are u going to listen to me or not ?"he asked
"What if I don't listen?" I challenge

"U will" .. saying this he started talking

"What about you and hassan! Huh answer me?"
Now this is serious:::

"What" I said ..... "he is out there telling everyone that you talk to him"

"What the hell!! Why would I talk to him if I did then why would I hide from everyone .... are u out of your mind" I bursted at him
What if I talk .. everyone trust me and they know I won't break their trust.. and it's not something that big to get angry on.. it's just a simple thing...
I am confused!!
" no I am not .. talking was not far but why the hell do u even come in front of him,. U probably enjoy how he looks at u" he said angered
His words hurt me .. like never in my life he talked to me like this.. he knows what kind of a person I am..I thought he was not such type of a person but turns out I was wrong..

" hadi why are u saying like this or who are you to talk to me like this humm?" I asked
Tears brimmed in my eyes in the thought that what did I do wrong???

" listen u I don't want you to appear in front of him .. okay.. and he even said that you showed him your hair.. he is out their saying bad things about you in front of his friends.." he said

My eyes were as wide as saucers he knows that I never in my life showed my hair to any one except for my brother and mother and him cuz he saw them 2 or 3 times accidentally....

" u know I never show my hair to any one.. and it is his fault that he is spreading things about me that I never did.. first you didn't talk to me since the accident when we were little.. it wasn't me who complained to your mother it was irhaa .. I tried to talk to u but you didn't..and now you are getting angry on me for something like shit... you are no one to me ok no one!!!"

I said to him.... he tried to say something again but I cut him off
"You know what I had he will regret what he did to me.. I will take my revenge.. I will"

I was soo controlling myself not to cry.. I didn't let him say something else I just pushed the door open and went down stairs..right into the bathroom.. looking at the mirror and crying..

What did I do wrong?? Huh? Why is he making my life hell. Now i will not stop .. I will take my revenge I will

She was so hurt.. she was feeling like someone stabbed her in her heart.. first he didn't talk to her and now he is blaming her.. her life was so simple..

Looking at the mirror again I decided to go home.. I will share all this with my lord.. going down I told aunt and mommie that I was going home..
"But with whom are u going? Did something happen? Are you alright?"

Mommie asked just too much questions.. at that time those simple answers were so hard to give ..
I replied " with ibraheem And I am okay just feeling a little sick"

I could see their worried expressions but I really needed to go home
Ibraheem took me with him... I asked him why did he called me upstairs..

He answered " I was calling you to eat icecream but you didn't came so I went downstairs"
So this is what her destiny is like..

She sat on the prayer mat as she cried her heart out... sharing everything with the lord...
Then she hugged her quran and recited it till she felt at ease


She sat in the bed going through social media.. she won't go out.. she avoided everyone as much as she had been 2 weeks . Even her mother would visit her thrice a day .. her friends would come to call her for cycling but she would just say that she is sick and doesn't wanna go..again she was their reciting qurAn as her friend came in her room without knocking


Hadi's pov

It has been days and I don't seem to be taking that incident off.. maybe I said too much to her..
I could see hurt in her eyes..

I litterally hurted her.. she is just too innocent.. she doesn't know anything.. she was taking it all easy . As she herself don't know what she has gotten herself into..

I really wanted to give that bustard a tight punch on his face for looking and saying such things about my sister.. yeah she is just like my sister
I still remember each and everything from our child hood...

after that little accident.. I never talked to her.. even though she tried.. I was taking care of her without her knowing.. and that day when she went to store I saw her .. and that punk again said something to her to which I saw her shudder a little bit. But I couldn't do any thing
And about her outburst about our childhood I really didn't know that this was in her mind..she really did got hurt by my stupid words

But I was helpless .. what could I do.. seeing those tears in her eyes.. I never wanted to make her cry
....and I couldn't say anything to that bustard cuz he will not stop looking at my sister like that.. so I decided to talk to her but I didn't know that I would get angry at her.. and seeing those tears in her eyes it made want soo bad to punch on his stupid face but I couldn't.. cuz I knew if i did that he will make her life more hell and I never wanted that ...

Her saying that she will now take her revenge just make me feel a little scared for her .. she doesn't even know into what she is getting herself.. I told her not to do anything but the stern look on her face said that she will ..

I hope that she just won't!!

Haya's pov

I was thinking that what should I do!! I don't want to look at his face even his existence makes me want to send him away or go away from him..

I decided that I won't do anything stupid..I will hold onto my self .. and will not get angry on him...  and will try my best to be cool..

I am cool right !!

I will just ignore him again as I did before..
engulfed in my own thoughts.. suddenly the door banged open and stood my best friend mira at the door.

O no! Now she will take me out .......

Assalam o alaikum guys!!
Uhh!! Such a long chapter it was 😐😐
I hope everyone doin fine
Take care and be happy everyone 😊
Love ya all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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