Ch no 33

13 2 0

Thinking about what I'll ask, when I'll talk to her, I smirked at the thought. She made me confused I'll make her even more confused. Let the game begin!

Making my plan that seemed perfect to me , only thing I wish is this would turn out perfect too. I went to her room and knocked.

"Come in!" I heard her sweet accent say.

I opened the door and saw her laying on the bed her head resting on the bedside and she held her laptop in her lap. With one ear phone in her ear. Maybe I am examining her too much . She jumped a little when she saw me. And I could see that she was trying her best to hide the red tint on her face but it was still showing. She immediately sat straight on her bed.

"What did you wanted to talk about earlier?" I got straight to the point, while walking towards her.

She replied after quite a seconds, "umm !" She spoke and I knew she was lying. She is not so good at lying.

"But it looked like it was something important!" I stated calmly but she flinched a little bit.

"Actually, I wanted to say something!" She asked not confirmed.

"Okay speak!" I told her taking a seat next to her near the couch.

She looked at me with eyes widen but then sighed before speaking " I wanted to talk about this marriage" she spoke again after thinking a little " I don't agree to this,"

"So?" I asked as if it was no deal.

She looked at me confused " Could you please say no to mamie and mum, I can't say it because I don't want to hurt them." She spoke desperate and looked at me like looking for hope.

I first thought about it but then spoke " I won't say no!"

"But why?" She asked me as if I was breaking her hope.

"Because I don't want to!!" I spoke raising my voice a little.

I was really enjoying her state " but then what'll I do! I don't want this marriage to happen!" She spoke, as if explaining me the situation.

"I won't Say no, let me make it clear again , I won't say no to them. And this marriage will take place next month , and you'll be my wife!" I spoke getting extremely close to her face. trying my best to control the stupid feeling in me. and stood up right before I do something stupid. She is messing with my brain and now that I know she don't want this marriage I will agree to it just to make her regret that she is loved by everyone. Not that I am jealous but her this behavior affects me. And I start to feel weird feelings maybe affection I can call this?

I left her room thinking that I won! I will actually have a great time, and will enjoy these months I guess.

The game is about to start Babe!!!

Haya's pov

'soldier Haya it is?"


'we need you to hack into the system we are going to send you' the soldier from headquarters spoke.

'give me the details'

'The news is leaked to head quarters by our soldier that is in the terrorist team to leak all the info. he told us that it caries all of their plans. and we are going to send you the id. All you have to do is just hack into their system and do make a plan to turn their wanted deed down. We want you to make a plan too as you are our leader you may talk to general tommorow, lots of lives to be saved'

'ON IT' I immediately spoke. the thing about us soldiers are that we understand small statements. I immediately checked into the mail that was sent to me. Actually the cause that I became the co-leader of our investigation team is that I learnt it all very easily. I can hack into their system easily. My life could also be in danger if they know that I work in investigation team. the investigation is the most hard and dangerous thing to be , but I chose it because it can save lot of lives. WE investigate secretly and IT's a hidden team that works behind all these armies. Never is this system leaked because it could cause our lives in danger as well as the life of others too.

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