Ch no 31

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I looked at haya and found her almost chocking on her bite. Her eyes as wide as saucers and she started coughing hysterically. This is funny! But in the same way it's funny it's serious also.

I waited for her to say something and she was looking at me with the same expression. I felt my heart started to beat fast when I stared at her beautiful dark wood eyes. She has those rarest type of eyes and she looks soo much beautiful when she smiles with these eyes. I envy her alot for all the love she gets!! .But I shouldn't care. And I actually don't!

She is really a lucky one, getting love from everyone. I think this is because she just lives in her own world. This is from my point of view. However, why isn't she saying something.

"Haya, hadi, what do you think of this marriage" my mum got me out of my trance and mahad on the other way was still as shocked as haya was. But she was looking more in shock though.

Simultaneously my mouth moved on my own accord " I don't want to say anything, you can do whatever you want." I said but then I thought it was stuppid of me to say something like this. But what should I do? I am speechless. Being a normal person having a normal life. This is what I have but still it's a little overrated. Being a man doesn't means that I don't have anything to worry or fear. But the first thing is to think of something good right now that would get a good outcome.

"Mamie, me either don't know what to say. If this is your decision then you must have taken it to some point. If this is better in your sight. Then you can choose what you think is best" she spoke. And I looked at her .

What the fu*k! Couldn't she say no. But to think of this why didn't I said no! This was all because I don't want to see tears in my mothers eyes again. She looked happy at the name of this marriage. Seeing happiness on her face is way worth it than seeing her with tears. And I don't bear to see tears in her eyes.

"Does uncle knows about this?" I spoke getting some hope that this marriage would turn down by some miracle. But luck wasn't on my side.

"We talked to him about everything . And the cause that he is returning is because of your marriage. That's why he decided to finish business there and shift here permanently"

Auntie spoke looking happy.

"You both are getting married next month. We have enough time till then. And haya! Your dad was really happy on hearing of this approval. He said that he wishes for both of you to be together" mamie spoke smiling.

All this time I was only looking at haya. She really had became beautiful. Maybe, getting married to her won't be that bad. But I don't want to get married so soon. And I want a girl of my liking. I liked her or maybe was in love witg her before but there is no chance for all of it to happen again. At that time I almost lost haya first. Due to what happened to her. I could only blame myself for her this state. And after lots of tries when I over came all of this my father was taken away from me. After that day I wasn't the same.

Haya's pov

Saying that my world just stood apart would be an understatement. It felt like I was flying in space and my feet couldn't reach grounds. But this was all not true. I wished I just vanished out some where in space. Maybe I would get a chance to meet aliens. Wow! Now I am talking about aliens. Is this a dream? I wish it is!

I knew something was cooking between these ladies but I didn't thought it would have that much affect that would leave me flabbergasted. I looked at hadi for an answer and he looked at me in the same way. Woah! He was literally staring at me. Do I look like a choclate mister hadi? Ya! Look at your food you stupid! Right now I look stupid right!! I thought to myself. His eyes were soft but I could feel that he was enjoying all of this. But somewhere he knew this is serious. As our rest of lives are to be bounded.

They really asked my opinion. But what could I say? I had no words. The two biggest causes that made me stop from saying no were that mamie had lost uncle and she actually loves me like her own daughter. And the second cause is my mum and daddi. They also agreed to this. Why would they ask our oppinion when they already agreed?

My life is a little distant. Actually I can't explain it. Unexpected things happened to me all the time. It's not that I have forgotten about what happened four years ago. It's still imprinted in my mind. But the same thing won't happen again. And I have became strong enough now. Only what I could do was accept it all. Sometimes I wished I could go back and change everything. I could stop myself from slapping him. But what happened to me wasn't ! but still lwas my fault. Actually it's all fate written. And we can't blame it!

Hadi my distant cousin! It still amazes me that how our families were bound. Hadi's mother side family was related to mine. And my father side family was also related to them. In a way! We were close cousins. But what brought us even more closer was because our houses were near. That's why I spent most of my childhood with mamie. And my father! I never got to talk to him only on weekends. His factory is on the hill side of mountains where there is no signal. He calls us whenever he gets to city. And I would talk to him only on weekends. I didn't mention it because it would make me miss him. I already miss him! I love him even though we don't talk much. But now he needs to stop work. Ibraheem is going to stand on his own feets soon. And my father, we have our own pharmacies here that were given on rent. But now my father will come to take the business in his hands!! He couldn't come back to country until he sells the factory there and finishes all of that there. But mum did told me that he would come back next month.

At my marriage!


I should really worry about my marriage. But still I can't believe it. I didn't said any yes neither did I said no! But I gave them a middle answer. But they would take it as a yes. What should I do? Allah help me!

" okay both of you! We will take it as a yes. And we are going to make arrangements. There is alot more to do! And haya you can go shopping whenever you want to but make it soon. Get what you like . And don't worry about anything! You'll both be okay"

"I am going to inform your father haya! Okay" my mother left

Eventually everyone left the table leaving me with my own thoughts. Hadi after staring at me for what felt like hours left with no words.

They are actually forcing us into this seriously! But I really am getting married? My life is going to be decided! Is this all fate written or just a test. But I'll Let whatever is happening to me be. I can't say no to them. I can't bear to see hurt in their eyes! Let's just leave everything!!

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