Ch. no 5

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The revenge that she was going to take was just by disturbing him little by little.. first when he came to his mansion...she took a chance to take her revenge.. coincidentally his bike was on stand ..out side his mansion seems like he just came to take something...
And her taking the chance ran towards his bike and ..


His tyre was flat ... I flated his tyre by opening the tube and ran from their towards my house watching outside from my window..

He came and saw that his tyre was flat...I could see his face

All annoying!!
I was laughing on my victory..
I won!!!

But this wasn't enough for all the tantrums he pulled in my life...
And again he left his bike their calling his servant to take the bike to the mechanic's shop...

I was still in the glee of my happiness...

Next day again..he left his bike their.. again to get something I guess....I ran and pushed his bike his bike was on the ground with a loud thump.. it had caused alot damage but !!!

Who cares!!It was my revenge!!!

However,, after one week.. I just decided to avoid him.. but somehow !!

" haya daughter!" Mommi called
"Yes mommi" I said.. "go with your bro to grocery store and buy all the things I have made list of" said mommi

"Noo mommi,I don't wanna go" I shouted!!!
"You are going oka!now hurry up"
I getting annoyed again shouted "okii! Let me pray first"

"Okay" she answered!
After praying .. sharing all the things with my lord!the one who created me!!

I went with my bro to to grocery store...
Not wanting to see him ..

and appeared the ghost in front of me
Never did I understood that why it was like this.. I just got kinda chills looking at him.the fact that what he holds in public is way better than what he holds in private!!


He again looking at me said no glaring at me should i say?

"Oo look who it is!!" He said .. this time I replied "like you are messing with my life i will make your life much messer" I shouted

He looking at me amazed said "let's see if you will disturb me .. I won't leave you alone till the day you'll die" .. this was enough for me to shut up!!
I remaining quite ,,may be a little afraid .. turned my gaze down and went the grocery bro asking me "are u okay?" And I just answered him "yeah I am don't worry!"

But from inside I was freaking out!! The storm that was going inside me was wild then my outside that was quite!!

I after going to grocery store went inside my room! Offered asr ,as it was time cuz it took me almost 1 and a half hour to pick up everything on the list..
My father is in saudia.. he works their.. I talk to him almost every month as he is really busy in his work.. yeah he is a hard working person!!

Some one knocked out side the door.. I went to open it: "Who is it??" I asked.. "open the door dear" another voice came

I immediately recognized it .. it was hadi's mom!
I opened the door hugging her " assalam o alaikum!! Auntie" she hugging me back replied " wa. Salam daughter! How are you?" She asked!! " oo auntie we will talk first come inside" she came inside.. and sat on the sofa while i sat opposite to her .. she kissed my forehead and said " seems like you forgot me hmm?" I replied " o no no ! How I can forget you auntie.. I just didn't got much time I was really busy with daily routines" I said while pouting.. " my sweet baby! Don't worry I will come to meet you my little angel" she really adored me i should say
"However I came to inform you that you should come to the function" she said

"Which function?" I immediately asked!! "I am holding a gathering okay you are supposed to come with mommi.. didn't hadi informed you?"

" o he did informed me I think I forgot ! My fault" I lied cuz I didn't wanted her to scold him.. she would probably scold him for this...

"Okay auntie I will come" I said happily cuz I didn't wanted her to feel bad..with that she again asked "I will meet your mom then at the gathering okay! Say her salam!" She said " okay" I replied!! " Allah hafiz auntie" I said " Allah hafiz daughter" with that she left ..

okaii so I need to get my dress ready as well as my bro and mommi's dress as they are gone outside to buy something maybee!!
However I decided to put on a shirt with my foot lenght skirt... I decided to put on my joggers as I feel more comfortable in them
Yeah i am not that girlish.. i just wear in what I feel comfortable...


I waited for mom .. I thought that when she would come then I would get ready.. thank fully I didn't had to wait for that long as she arrived early than I thought for the first time...

I got ready and arrived their a little early... cuz I had to help her.. as she has no daughter just two sons
One "hadi" and other "mahad" .. we had been child hood friend until that incident... I think so ,,I spent most of my childhood time with her that was the reason she adored me alot!!!!not just her but his father too! His father worked with my father and they were friends as well!!!

The function started...
I was busy serving the guests as ibraheem called me up stairs..  "haya! Come upstairs"... " okii ! I am coming but why are u calling me?" ..I said " just come upstairs" getting annoyed I said " okay! I am coming"

Giving the tray to the maid i went upstairs but found no one!
"Ibraheem?" I called...

no answer

"Ibraheem?" I said again
Still no answer

I decided to give up and go downstairs..
Weird!! Right::

Suddenly the door closed and came "hadi" upstairs... getting confused I asked him " what are you doing here?" ... " we need to have a talk"

Talk?? What does he wants to say? What does he have to say? Is it related to me? Did I do something wrong?
All the questions came running in my mind....

Love is something that changes some ones
What does this mean??
It means that it makes you
Feel those things that u
Don't feel anymore
You can say that it is
The queen of the feelings
Like death is inevitable
Love is something
That makes you
Want to
Live again!

Her innocence is something that makes her so precious so adorable... but that person doesn't see her innocence .. he just thinks that he can do anything he wants..not knowing that the lord of the universe is watching him knowing what is going inside him.. he knows everything.. and is the one who has blessed him and you with everything..but you are just living like you'll never die.. but death is will come to you.. Allah has his own ways of making a person walk on right he repeats the time ..
For you:

Assalam o alaikum!! Guys
I hope u are doin fine..
Take good care.. i hope u enjoyed❤️❤️❤️
Love ya alll❤️❤️😘

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