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I woke up by the call of fajr. Thankfully my eyes them selves open this time other wise most of the people miss their prayers. Looks like I am turning back to myself. Actually I want to! I miss the past haya.

No wonder that my life is too weird or I think it's just me who is wondering. But the turns it is taking I am still waiting for it to take a turn in the right direction. All words by which I can explain what I think my life is like are over exaggerating and over rated. But it's a bitter truth that's all! Everyone adores me alot and that's enough for me. Because others have life more messed up despite of mine. And I am just thankfull that I don't have to face what is faced by others. Many people suicide because they think that there life is too harsh on them hence it's not. What it requires is patience and believe. There are many girls whom are not even loved by their families but I am and am thankful for that. Like a flower that blooms a girl grows into a woman!

After offering fajr I red quran. No sleep in my eyes because Waking up early have became my routine. Due to the strict training in army. So, I decided to go out for a walk. I went out to the same park where we went for bike riding. A smile itself appeared on my face when I saw the same spot where we all would usually gather with our bikes.

I ran 3 rounds and it was 6:am already. Because it's autumn season. The weather was not too hot nor too cold. I was getting a little hungry so I went home. And cooked me breakfast. Ibraheem is planing on to become a doctor. And he is going on a trial at a hospital soon, then he'll open his own clinic.

Two days were spent just like this. And my friends also visited me. I was offering zuhr when mum called me. "Haya!"

"Yes mum"

"You should go and visit your mamie, she was complaining."

"But! How come she know about I came back"

"She called and I informed her. Who wouldn't know that souldier haya have returned home" she said proudly, I smiled at her or forced one. Will I be meeting hadi again.

I gulped thinking that I'll come face to face with hadi. But looking at mum looked like she is hiding something. "When should I go?" I asked her.

"Let's go today"

"Okay, we'll leave at 3." I informed her timing. And left to get ready. But I still have time and I don't wear makeup. This thing in me haven't changed. I never wore makeup before nor do I now!

I went through instagram, and looked at new posts. Ibraheem came into my room. "Hey, you haven't gotten ready yet?"

"As you can see I am not"

"Get ready we are leaving soon"

"Leaving? Aren't their house near by?"

"Don't you know they shifted after the"

"Death? Of whom?" I asked with my heart beating fast. Whose death? I thought to myself.

"Actually, uncle's death. Hadi's father passed away after 3 years you left"

I covered my mouth with my hand as tears formed in my eyes thinking about that time. How could this be?

"Why didn't anyone informed me?" I spoke while tears flowed from my eyes.

I rushed to my mummy's room. " mum! What is ibraheem saying?"

"What?" She asked me confused.

Ibraheem entered the room , I looked at him while talking "ibraheem says that uncle has passed away"

Her reaction suddenly changed and she looked at me sadly. No! This can't be. He was a father figure for me. Like my dad was out his father was in outer country my dad was too. We were so close with him before he left and they didn't even informed me! Why?

THE DESTINY BELIEVER (a muslim love story)Where stories live. Discover now