Ch no 18

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He has a sister whom he loves.. he adores her the most.. his father died when he was only 11 and his mother married his fathers brother that's why he hates her so much.. he thinks that his mother betrayed his father..he is doing so wrong with the poor soul.. but what could he do when he had been through alot.. he is a ruthless man who don't care about anyone.... he is blind even though he can see everything and the history will repeat itself..

Haya's pov

I woke up in a plane..I was tied with ropes by a seat.. and I was on the floor while he was sitting beside me.. his eyes closed..

Where am I??
Is this a private jet..? I looked at my hands.. the one from which he snapped the drip was covered with a bandage.. and I was tied badly .. that I couldn't even move..

My head was hurting like hell..

" ar..e y..ou m..e?"I stuttered while I whispered..

No answer..

I waited for him to reply
He opened his eyes and looked at me

"We are going to vanice" he answered

What?? Vanice? Why? He will take his revenge there?

"As you are awoke i need you to make a call to your mother" he said huskily

I didn't said anything.. I knew he will make me tell her i am okay..

He gave me my phone which he took when he captured me first..

"Dial her number" he said

I did as he said

"Tell her that you are okay.. and are going to stay at your friends.. and if you dare say anything else .. I will make sure to turn your life into a misery.. and don't do anything stupid" he said angrily as he stared at me

I dialed her number
She picked after a ring

"Assalam o alaikum !! Haya where are you? I have been calling.. I was worried" she said
"Mom!" I whispered

But a glare from him make me speak again

"I am okay mom.. don't worry..and please don't call me .. I want to enjoy every moment.. love you.."
I said with a heavy heart as I tried my best not to cry ..

"Haya.. are you okay?"
She asked and it was getting more difficult for me

"I am okay mom.. take lots of care okii" I said as I normally talked to her

"Oka! Allah hafiz". She said

As he glared at me and motioned me to cut the call

"Allah hafiz.." I immediately said

He snached the phone from my hand..

And sat to my level
"You know in what you have gotten yourself into" he said huskily

I just kept my gaze down. "Look at me in eyes when ever i talk" he said angrily

"Answer me!" He shouted

"O..ka" I said

"Just look at your stuttering form." He evily laughed..

He held my chin and said "this is nothing compared to what i will do to you next" throwing dagers at me..

I was at the verge of crying again..

What did i do so wrong to deserve this? What is my fault? I did nothing? Why is he doing this to me?

I kept on thinking as he sat in the chair .. I slept feeling tired and my head was hurting soo badly along with my hand..

Hadi's pov

I am enjoying soo much in vanice.. it's such a beautiful place.. but I don't know that I don't feel happy at all..

When ever I'd come here I will enjoy alot and create memories but..

I don't know what is happening? But something in me keeps on saying that haya is in danger..

I hope she is fine..

They both are destined to be together ..

Haya's pov
I woke up after I don't know how much time.. but I wasn't in the plane .. I was in a room.. it was a storage type room.. and I was tied.. with ropes.. and my hand was still hurting.. I was so hungry and soo thirsty..

I only wanted water to stay concious.. I was not feeling well in this dark room with one light

"Water..Inneed water" I whispered.. as if someone is hearing me..

There I heared laughing voices.. I recognized two of them.. hassan and his friend whom Inkicked..

They came in the room and his eyes turned dark

"Water!! Water!! I need water!!" I whispered again and again

He was so happy to see her disheveled state. She is total at his mercy..

"Go get her some water.." he said to his friend .. he nodded..

"Just look at your self" he said..

I was fully concious after drinking water..

I was so much angry at him.. he is the reason of her this state..

His friend lit a cigarette .. he started smoking sitting on the sofa..

"You want to see her hair" he said looking at his friend with a smirk.. as his other friend also entered

"I have beem craving to see her hair.. of course I want to" his friend spoke..

As the other one took his seat.. I named the one who kicked me scary and the other one demon..

He came near me..

"Noo!" I shouted .. I tried to move my hand towards my hijab to hold it but couldn't.. they were tied..

He snatched my hijab away letting my hair free

" can't happen.." I kept on myself.

I closed my eyes trying to escape the reality..

"Oh god !! She has beautiful hair.. I want to have her right now so badly.." the scary one said

"You'll have to wait until i am done with her" he said..

I kept my eyes closed

No! Why? Allah help!! Help!!

As silent tears fell down my eyes..

He was looking at her state.. she was looking more beautiful.. her nose and cheecks red.. and tears falling on her soft angelic skin.. but he was blind .. to let her free

Love is nothing
Ask those who are
Afraid to fall
In love
Cuz they are scared to lose
The one they love
They are scared
Of betrayal
They are scared
For the one being snatched away
That's why they never love
Little do they know
What happens ..
happens for a reason
What happens i for ur own good
As Allah knows the best.

Guys last chap wasn't edited.. sorry for that

How ever.. do vote.. comment and share..

Love ya all❤️❤️

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