Ch no 9

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Haya's pov

I just started to get bored alot... there  was nothing to do.. I even repeated all my notes as I was waiting for those army test to occur... that are going to be soon...

However... I went to rest room to perform ablution... I was a little hungry... so decided to eat after namaz...

I sat on the prayer mat and said

Allahu akbar

And again I felt a weird feeling inside me.. that calms me too much... every day......


After performing namaz.. I went to the kitchen.. opened the fridge and saw no left overs... thinking that ibraheem ate them.. I decided to make something....

I made pancakes.. alot of them.. with choclate syrup that I poured on them.. and pineapple juice that I didn't had to make ..I chosed the  one which i bought from grocery store..

I took the food in my room and started devouring it.. it was so delicious.. I left some for ibraheem cuz mommi doesn't eat pancakes....

With that I started going through social media.. as I opened instagram I saw Hadi's pics that he had uploaded just a minutes ago with his cousins ..... he was looking cute though..

Hadi's pov

It had been days ... I guess she is waiting for her army exams that are going to be soon.. I hope she has prepared for them

I had chosen to go on the opposite side than hers ...I went towards the business side.. as well as I decided to built alot of restaurants in the future ..InshAllah!!!

I kinda miss everyone... we enjoyed alot there.. I was in my thoughts.. as my cousin Sahil called "hadi !! What are you so lost in?"
" um nothing !! What could i be thinking?" I said

" but looking at you makes you seem that you are missing someone huh!  Have you got a girlfriend?" He said teasingly

" Shut up" I shouted

" oo hadi is angry!! Something is fishy here" he said again teasingly now literally annoying me...

I just wanted him to shut this shit of his as my elder cousin bilal stoped the car

In front of a chiniese restaurant... he loves chiniese food and so do i......

We sat in the restaurant and I orderd "chaomi"
The order came in a few seconds as again a thought hit my mind...

What if hassan has returned? What if he is again messing up with her? What if she does something bad to take her revenge? What if he hurts her?

Soo many thoughts raised in my mind.. and I myself started to think am I in love with her?

No no! Hadi this is shit.. she is your sister.. you are just being protective!!! Hadi now stop thinking soo much!!

With that I decided to focus on my order.. but then came across an idea...

I should ask ibraheem.. he would probably answer me

With that I texted him.. he answered after 2 minutes... those two minutes were like 2 years for me.. I hate waiting!!

I asked him " how are you? How is auntie? Is everyone alright?"

I didn't asked about her cuz he will suspect something...and won't leave me alone..

" everyone is alright Alhumdulilah! How are you?"
He asked

" i am fine too Alhumdulilah!! How is haya doin?" Now i asked about her

" she is fine too!! Just a little bossy and also getting a little more foody these days". O she was a foody  since childhood!!!!

" like she was not before!!" I said with laughing emojis that I sent..

If haya will see these messages she would not leave me neither ibraheem alone!!! Thinking about this make me smile

" what are you smiling about?"  Sahil again asked with his mouth full..

" None of your business!!! Just eat your food" I said rolling my eyes at him...

Thankfully he didn't said much ... as I didn't wanted the conversation to grow more..

I looked at my food and started devouring it.. it was tastey though

Haya's pov

I was getting a little sleepy now !! So I decided to turn off the mobile.. but heared azan voice as I started to pray again

After praying.. I decide to check on my brother than take a nap..

" ibraheem what are you doin?" I asked him as he quickly turned off his mobile arising some suspicion in me..

"Nothing just talking to hadi" he answered

" o! Okay!! However i made pancakes .. they are in the fridge you can eat them" his eyes  suddenly lit at the name of pancakes as he ran to the kitchen..

" such a kid" I murmured under my breath...
" did you say something" he asked

O what a fast listener he is.. he probably has the ears like a rabbit!!

" nothing" saying this I went to check on mommi

I found her praying.. I decided not to disturb her.. as I went in my room and dozed of to sleep reciting aytal kursi

Good night haya



Salam guys!! I hope everyone is doin fine

I decided to move the story a little slow due to the sudden twist that will occur after!!
Take care!! Be happy😊

Love ya all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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