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Haya's pov

I woke up as I rubbed my eyes!! " mommi!! I saw a weird dream to night!! Haaa!" I yawned

Why my head is hurting?

As I realized where I was!! I opened my eyes as there was only darkness..and only one light was the last moment hit my head!! As I remembered everything..where am I??

I thought!!Why did that person bring me here? And why am I not tied??

As I thanked that I really am not tied!!

As I took my chance to go away from here... as I stood up ..

I felt eyes staring at me...

I ignored as I could see no one!! It might be cuz my head is hurting!!

I went towards the door and turned the knob!! It really is opened!!
I thanked as I thought about the person's foolishness!!

As I was about to take a step out!!


I was pulled and pushed in the wall.. as the door was closed with a loud bang!!

As i tried to take in what just happen!! I saw a person in front of me ... with the dark room I could just see his hoodie.. as he stood in front of me...

As I asked " who are you ? And what do you want from me ?" My voice came more like a whisper!! I myself don't know why?

" hushh!! Don't speak!" He said

As his voice seemed a little familiar to me...

As he came close to me!! Invading my personal space..
As the red alarms started to ring!

I tried to push him !! But he didn't even moved just flinched a bit " you are too close to me" I tried to speak to him

" I said be quite" he shouted as he banged his hand near my head ..scaring me..

As I recognized the voice

Hassan !! But why? Then it hit me! She slapped him not once but twice.. and a punched and a kick too!! It is too obvious that he will take his revenge!! He will make my life miserable!!

As he came nearer and nearer " get away!" I shouted as I tried using my skills... I tried to punch him but he was quick to hold my hand .. " not again ! Darling". Damn it! I thought to myself

Oh! Allah what am I supposed to do?? Help me!!

With that said the light was switched on!! As i tried to adjust to brightness!!

As he grabbed my wrist and pulled me and made me sit on a chair...

I tried to get my wrist escape from his hand.. but his hold got tighter and tighter!!

As I muffled screamed " ahh!"

He made me sit and dragged a chair as he sat in front of me...

"Go ! You are free!" He said

What? did I heared him right!!

"Go!" This time he shouted

As I stood up and went to leave!!

As I again turned the knob of the door ..he again pushed me as I grabbed the door not to fall down

" where do u think you are going huh? Do you think I'll forgive you for the slaps just by this?" He said

As I looked at him.. he was the one who told me to leave.. is he a psycho or something?

Getting angry " you were the one who told me to go!! Mister" I shouted

As he looked at me amazed " looks like you don't love yourself" with that said he grabbed my wrist once again as I hated his touch!!

I escaped from his hold getting myself hurt too " don't you dare touch me" I said through gritted teeths..

" your anger will soon vanish as you'll see that you are helpless" he shouted ..

Thinking about helplessness he was probably making her feel helpless!! So it was his plan to not look the door and my hands just to make me feel that i can't escape!! I am helpless!! But Allah is here.. he will protect me!!

" what are you so lost into babe" i hated his words!!

As I look at him disgusted!!

" I really wanna see what's under that thing on your head" he said as he pushed me on the chair .. as I fell with the chair felling with me!! As I quickly tried to get up but he got infront of me..

I saw something in his eyes!! Something that scared me!! Something that was making me feel in danger!! Something that I had never seen before

And that thing was scary!!

He tried to take off my hijab as I quickly reacted !!!! " No" as I pushed his hands away!!

"Don't you dare push me again like that" he said as he tried again

But this time I kicked him right on his face as he was sitting on his one knee.. as he held his face with pure rage!! His hands in a tight ball with knuckles turning white..

"I can't and won't show you my hair!" I shouted and quickly got up
.. as I tried to get to the door..he is a non-mehram !! And he just touched my wrists like that.. no one ever tried to touch me!! As they know what type of a person I am!

He again pushed me and making me face him and,

He slapped me!! No one ever did that to me !! Why? Because I don't want to show him my hair? Or because I slapped him?

As tear brimmed in my eyes!! But I won't cry! Never!

"Don't you dare ever fight me!" He shouted through gritted teeth!!

As he again tried to take my hijab off .. but I held It tightly .. not letting it get off!!

His aura was a dominating and screaming one.. and his muscles were well build.. showing he is a strong man!!

I still held onto my hijab.. as he held my both hands. And held them in his hands tightly!!

"Noo" I screamed

As he ripped my hijab.. and I still tried to hold my tears.. and looked at him disgusted!!as he looked at me mused!!

" I never thought you were hiding those beautiful hairs under this thing" he said shamefully

As i just stood still..
now he has seen my hairs

As Hadi's words rang in my mind " you showed him your hair" he had said " no i didn't!!" I defied at that time .. but now he has seen them..

As I heared him chuckle as he put my hair strands behind my ears

His dark chuckle was a scary one..

As he left the room not before tying my hands with the chair with those ropes harshly as I didn't even fighted him..

He has seen my hairs!! Now what?

I was feeling numb as I heared the door click!

He locked me in there!! As I bursted into tears.. warm ones!!

I couldn't even cover my hair as he has tied me!! What now!!

How will I escape? Is this what destiny brought me?My misery!! With that thought she slept !! Escaping from reality!! Wishing it's just a dream!! She'll wake up in her room!! And then she'll go and hug her mother.. and her brother..


Uhh!! Such a long chap

I hope u enjoyed
Love ua all❤️❤️ take care and be happy 😊😊

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