Ch no 38

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She have been like this for 10 days, the doctors had to attach food tubes and I feared , the fear that I am afraid to accept. I prayed and prayed and cried for god knows how much time. Crying that I turned to him. Crying at my helplessness. No matter how much successful I am, I am nothing without the help of Allah. He orders and that thing happens. I remember her smacking me. I remember her scolding me. I remember her getting jealous when ever we would go out and I would talk to any random waitress I won't even give her a glance yet the waitress would talk in a manner to get my attention and she would glare at the girl. Her cute glare, her anger that I loved. I love haya only and only her. I remember when she was holding a plate full of pasta that day, when I was so close to her. I remember the blush on her face. I remember how she would turn red after we would kiss.But now she is not here, I can't see her smile. I can't hear her sweet voice. She is laying there at the hospital bed lifeless.It made me cry all more, I cried in front of Allah in sujood to give her life, I cried and asked for forgiveness that I had been away from him , I had been a rude yet Allah still had his mercy on me.I cried and slept still in that condition. I could see a person coming near me , he said salam. I replied back with salam, he smiled "Abdullah ! Why are you crying so much?" He asked. I gaped at the old person who just called me Abdullah. Everyone is Abdullah, that means the man of Allah. But no one ever called me this. The old person was looking so beautiful and he had noor on his face that was so surprising. He sat near me and listened to my story that I told him after listening carefully he spoke as I cried. "Don't worry! Son,your wish will come true. Your wife will be okay soon. It was all written by Allah to make you turn to him. He has his ways, your wife was worried about you, because she wanted you to turn to your lord, look years ago you left him,and here you are now crying for your loved one. Everything is meant to happen and have it's reasons. Go to her, she is waiting for you." He spoke and suddenly my eyes opened, I remember I was in sujood so I said salam and looked here and there, it was night time. And everyone had left the place only a few people who were sitting there. I remember his words ' go to your wife, she is waiting for you' and after thanking Allah, I immediately ran to the hospital, by driving, I drove so fast and panicked stood infront of the door of her room wishing and making dua in my heart 'please wake up, please wake up haya!' I kept on saying it like a mantra when ,

I opened the door swiftly and found no one but only my love. I went near her held her soft hand, and placed a kiss on her hand. Then I kissed her forehead. "Haya, please wake up, wake up you stupid. Why aren't you waking up? You love to annoy me right? I am waiting for you to smack me. Wake up!" I spoke as tears again left me eyes.

"Wake up you stupid!! Wake up!! I can't take it anymore. Come on! Get up! Smack me, hit me all you want. You said you love me. Now why are you like this." I cleared the tear that fell on her wrist, her hand in mine. "Come on! Please!"

"You wanted me to turn to Allah right! Look, I have turned to him. I am sorry. I was engulfed in darkness, I was blind haya, but you came in my life. You taught me to see again to live again to laugh and love again!!" I cried in helplessness and again kissed her forehead. "Please! For me." I cried again "please!!" I whispered and held her hand yet I continued to be like that. Suddenly, Her finger moved, and I looked at her , her eyes were open and she had tears in them and a small smile on her face. "Hay...a" I squealed as my heart danced in happiness and I thanked Allah a thousand times. Seeing her alive in front of me, as I immediately kissed her forehead again and again. She moved her hand slowly, and moved the oxygen mask that was covering her face. She held my hand in her weak ones and kissed it making me want to kiss her right there, as my heart danced in utter happiness. Allah did listened. "Wait! I should call the doctors!!" I spoke and ran towards the door , I have to return to her fast.

Just then when I returned the doctors behind me, my eyes widened, I could hear the machines beeping fast, the lights showing on them going fast, but my life stopped. I immediately ran towards her, calling her name. My heart filled with one and only fear again, fear of losing her. "Haya, haya!! Wake up babes" I spoke with utter wish for her to wake up, for her to say something, her eyes were tightly closed like she can't take it what is happening!! I wished for her to be liveless again, for her to kiss me. I could see the doctors and the nurse rushing here and there some connecting her to some wires. While one nurse came "you need to go out, we need to do some examinations!" She spoke hurriedly and I glared at her with utter anger flowing from her actions. She seemed to be affected when another nurse came, she spoke as if she understood "sir please understand, as if for her please understand us" she spoke and I looked at her gave a last glance at my love and left. I sat on the chair infront of the room that was infront of me, then came anayah and hassan. "What happened hadi bhai? Why are you out here? What happened?" Anayah filled the area with questions.

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