Ch no 4

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I was again lost in my thoughts as my mommi called me to come and eat dinner. I went down stairs saying my salam and sat in my bro being the annoying one "here comes the queen of hackers" I smiled at hime but his next words make me give him a glare as he said "oh!! I forgot to mention cockroaches..let me say my sentence again" I was already staring at him to shut up but his mouth won't seem to be shutting.. "here comes the queen of hackers of cockroache kingdom" even though his sentence didn't make any mommi just laughed at us...saying "you two will never grow up" ... he said that cuz he knows I hate cockroaches not that I am afraid of them just it does things to me when I see them...

weird!! Right ••

And again after eating dinner and helping my mommi clean the dishes I went into my room.. and started studying.. after performing my prayer and opening my heart to my lord even though he knows everything..

ibraheem on the other side went out playing.. I was done with my studies when he came running to tell me that the freak was again saying stupid things to his friends which he heared by chance... and again I was furious.. what the heck is his prob?? ..I just replied

" just ignore him.. I guess he is psycho.."
" okay sis as you say" saying this he went to god knows where as I was busy typing my friends..

After 3 months

It has been months and that psycho doesn't seem to be leaving me alone . Let me explain what happened..

When ever I'll be outside he will be doing stunts on his bike.. or he will give me the unwanted look.. I just had to go inside just not to see him. He started disturbing me more and more as he even started entering my personal life..

he even asked my brother that I had a boy friend or not.. like he thinks my bro won't tell me all the shit he says.. my bro tells me each and everything he says or talks about..

i was talking to my friends that " I will kill him with my own bare hands if he tries to say anything to you" .. somehow he seems to be listening what I said and he then said to my bro " your sis was talking about killing me right.. go tell her that she can kill me.. I my self will handover the gun to her.. she won't even will be able to hold it.. go and tell her that I give my whole self to her .. she can do whatever she wants" this was what he said..


This was all I could feel.. how ever I decided to keep my grounds like I wanted him so badly huh!!!The thought itself make me want to puke or laugh!! Yeahh thats what you can say..

how ever it was not just this .. he even started following me around with his friends.. I started to feel a little scared but I knew that Allah is always with me protecting me soo their is no need to be scared..

And to that of boyfriend.. I am not interested in them.. cuz these things just aren't my type.. I want to live my life my way .. not that of some ones saying "you are mine"

Like what are we some things that they say " you are mine" it's just soo funny for me..
I knew he was rich .. he can have other girls so why does he disturbs me.. why is he messing up with my life.. so I decided to ask him that what the hell is his problem!!!!

And I asked him and the answer it self had me to think soo much as he simply said " cuz i enjoy messing your life. If i wanted to ask you to be my gf I would have simply said that to you .. and I am not scared of any one"

This answer was just enough to push my limits but still.....
I remained silent
As they say

Remaining silent is not like that you loss
It means that you won !!
Cuz you just gulp up all the words
And Allah is watching everthing!!!

But I wasn't going to remain that silent.. as he seeing that I am the don't you dare say anything to any one i love or care about!!! Type girl..

Yeah I really am that type of a girl.. I won't bear any one saying any thing to my loved ones .. I would just stand up for them and speak in place of them.. you could say that I was a fearless and fiesty girl.. and even my mother called me a lioness.. as I am only afraid of Allah .. as he holds everything.. and is always protecting me...

he even said to my bro that he wants to see what is under my hijab.. this thing had me flabbergasted as my bro just said him to get lost and don't ever talk about her like that..

I was kinda proud of him but still......
I decided to take revenge on him... yeah I will. I just had enough of his tantrums.. now he will regret...

Love is a dangerous thing
Whether it will destroy you
Or will help u come towards the light
So why don't love Allah
As he is the only one who will love us
In return
Who will never leave our side
Whether we are doomed in darkness
Or are broken souls
He will join every piece of our heart
And will help us come towards the light
By loving again
No doubt he is the king of this universe
And controls everything and everones
And he knows the best and choose the best

She is an innocent angel.. who is just living in her own world.. not ready to accept the reality .. but she will face it soon.. changing the lives of lots.. bringing them happiness.. she will do it soon .. as she is blessed with all this..


Assalam o alaikum guys..
I hope everyone is doin fine.. i hope u enjoyed the chapter.. she will take her revenge in small ways but something will happen that will change everything!!!!
I'm exited ! Don't know why 🤩🤩🤩
Take care😇😇
Lots of love❤️❤️❤️

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