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Hadi's pov

It had been 5 days since I saw her.. she just didn't cAme out all day.. I went everyday to check on her.. but didn't saw her at all.. I even asked ibraheem about her

He just told me that she just lays in her room all day..she only come out to eat or to get anything...mommi tried to ask her but she just told her that she is alright..just feeling a little sick

I wonder is she really sick or does she not want to see anyone...I know she had been through teen depression..I saw her miserable she would cry alone...once I was passing by.. as I saw her standing in her balcony ..lost in her own thoughts...

I decided to call her but she was too lost...she just kept on looking at the sky .... and then a tear escaped her eye... that was when I knew something was wrong...

I asked her if she is alright but she just said "I am alright what could happen to me" while laughing...

I have readen alot about psychology..and I understood that she is in depression... even though I didn't told her that I know from what she is going... but i know .. I just tried to make her happy every moment.. and let her feel the nature.. and even told her that she is not alone.. Allah is always with her

She got through it all as I got to see her beautiful smile ... and her shyness..her real self return....

I just hope soo that she is not again in stress.. as ai can understand that how painful it is.. it just kills you from inside..

If she will be in misery just beacuse of my words I won't be able to ever forgive myself...

However i was a little happy too.. that hassan the stupid bustard had to go somewhere.. at least she'll be okay... i wish that I'll return before he returns.. I don't want him to make my sister cry again....

Cuz if he do that again I won't think twice before placing a tight punch on his face .. even though it would be stupid...

Haya's pov

I was soo happy cuz today is my brother's birthday... I am going to bake a cake today..a choclate cake ofcourse ...
I love choclate
The main reason...

However I put the batter in the bowl and then put it in oven...

I had sent my brother out as it'll be a surprise for him.. he'll probably be playing with his friends...

After putting the batter in oven.. I decorated the guest room with ballons.. which I had bought a few days ago ...cuz he doesn't go there much.. and if I chose his room.. then I'll be nothing more then a stupid... right??

After placing some ballons on the floor and putting some on the sofa... I decided to decorate the wall with ballons by tape...

I wrote a beautiful happy birthday ibraheem on the wall with glitter sheet....

The room was looking beautiful...MASHALLAH

And then I heared the oven's


I went and opening the door of the oven I placed the cake on the shelf... by all this time I was almost covered in floor.. as I decided to take a shower after doing everything...
the cake had baked tasty and was looking very good ..alhumdulilah!!

I put the cake in the fridge after letting it cool down a bit.. to let it cool more.. then I started melting dairy milk ..out of which almost half the bar
was eaten by me by the time I was done making a batter to decorate the cake...

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