Ch no 15

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He was over me.. as I try to push him away.. but he held my hair tightly..

"Please don't do anything.. I am sooor...y fo..r yo..u like tha..t. I was j..ust ...soo ..ang..ry ahhh!"
I screamed as he pulled my hair applying more force..I saw his eyes turning black.. he seemed angry on my mention of slaps

Great haya!! You yourself woke the beast..

He came near and near my face and said "Don't worry little cat!! I won't claim you today".

What does he means claim me.. was he thinking about claiming me..Inthought but soon ..

"Nooo" Inscreamed as he attacked my neck

I tried to wiggle my head but no use .. I tried to use my karate skills but no use.. I so wanted the ground to swallow me..

I wanted to disappear or make him disappear..


Was what I could feel.. as he kept on the assault kissing my neck and biting my skin.. and licking a spot..

I felt disgusted.. I so wanted to die..

And he left my neck as he lifted his face up.. I saw the most dangerous thing in his eyes.. I saw a demon..

Was it my fault that he is in a bad mode? Was it my fault that he hit my brother? Was it my fault that he said bad things about me? What is happening?

He looked at my tears .. that kept on falling. As I didn't stop them.. I always get red by crying.. and I want him not to see my vulnerable state..

As he looked at my lips greedily .. I at noticing where he was looking immediately pleaded "hassan!! Ple...ease do..nt do . I am soo..ry.. I won't te..ll le..t me gooo.." I finished my words with difficulty..

I saw his eyes softening at first but then they again turned black. As he said "just be quite!! Hushhh.. or else I won't mind claiming you tonight .. I have been watching your little revenge"

Wait ..what? He saw me flating his tyres . O haya.. you are doomed

"I guess you don't know that there are cctv cameras in and out my mansion.. and my tyre getting flat suddenly can't be a coincidence.. as I saw you in camera.. I didn't said anything .. because I just wanted you to enjoy your life a little.. but you slapping me was not expected.. so this is your punishment babe" with that said he smashed his lips with mine before I could protest or say anything..

I was left flabbergasted as I came to know that he saw me taking my little revenge..

It's all my fault!!

As tears kept on going and he kept on playing with my lips..

I tried to push him but of no use..

As he asked for an entry.. I will never let him enter my mouth.. I sealed my mouth..

I will not open my mouth..

He kept on licking my lips.. as I still didn't let him enter

He groaned in my mouth.. as he bit my lips

I didn't open them still.. the physical pain he gave me by doing this , is way more better than the pain I am feeling inside ..

He bit my lips soo hard thrice as I felt blood drewing out from them.. he sucked them making me hiss.. as I hissed he took the chance.. entering my mouth..

As I was helpless.. now he has seen my hair.. kissed my neck.. even kissed my lips and I can't do anything..I thought I would spend these moments with my husband.. the one who will be mehram for me

But Allah is with you haya.. he is seeing everyone and everything.. he knows about the chaos inside u.. and help will come soon..

He kept on devouring my mouth.. as I kept on fighting him..

My tears were dried.. I wasn't crying anymore.. I was numb.. totally numb..

He feeling that I stopped fighting pulled .. breathing heavily .. with a smirk on his face
"That is for flatting my tyre" he said

What does he mean?? Means he just kissed me for flatting his tyres not for slapping and punching him.. means he will do more for other revenges.. I think this is enough for all the revenges..

Allah save me..

As i was also breathing heavily.. I was left out of breath because of the kiss..

I wanted to kick him on his sensitive part.. but I couldn't.. I had no energy for that..

"I am leaving for a week to attend something.. you will live at my friends home.. and if you dare to run away.. you'll see what I'll do.." he said

Huh!! Means his friend doesn't know that he has kidnapped me.. and he will not lock me like he did.. I will run away.. I thought

"He knows that I kidnapped you.. and he will keep you locked in the room beside him.. so don't worry."

He said with a smirk.. answering my questions..

I should kick him and run from here.. what if it'll be difficult to run from there

I was thinking .. and then he pulled a gun from his back pocket.. and before I could say or do anything he hit my head .. hard..

"Ahh!! Wh..y" and with that I fell on the ground.. leaving everything once again..


Salam!! I hope u enjoyed.. i am progressing day by day.. as it's my first story.. i am trying to get better every day..

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Take lots of care😽
Be happy😊
Love ya all❤️❤️❤️❤️

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