Ch no 11

45 4 0

Haya's pov

I woke up and saw that it's 6am
Damn it!!
I forgot my fajr prayer.. immediately I ran to the rest room.. performed ablution and sat on the prayer mat to pray...

After that I slept again.. as I was feeling a little dizzy...

After that I woke up at 10am .. and decided to go to the library... I informed my mum and went there...

I sat on the corner table as I bought some snacks and dived into another world...

Lost in my reading the book that was named
' when the life will start"

It was the book about the world hereafter... and I really liked it...

I didn't even noticed how much time had gone... it was 5 pm already..

O no!! Mum is going to be angry at me..
Putting the book back in the shelf I immediately ran towards my home.. I reached my street and as I step into it.. I felt some cold feeling.. I ignored it as I went in..

and just as I was a little few steps from my home.. I heard a car rush.. not some simple.. but the rush of a sports car... immediately turning my head... I saw him sitting in there.. as my steps froze

He is back!! The devil is back..

He wasn't looking at me as he was busy with something on his phone.. taking my chance to run inside as I was about to turn my head.. I saw him staring at me with a smirk on his face

Why'd i even stop there?? I should have quickly went in ..seeing that he has came back..
ahh!! Stupid brain!! Dumbo!!

I kept cursing as I knocked!! Ibraheem opened the door.. saying mum has been waiting for you..
I went in said " salam ! Mum I am back!"

" wa.salam daughter why are you so late?" Just as I knew she would ask me!!

"I didn't noticed the time" I simply answered...
" someday you'll lost the way or fall somewhere while reading your book" she said while laughing

I just scrunched my nose... as I went to my room...

I just skipped my zuhr again... but that doesn't matter cuz i am on my period.... I thanked in my heart...

I went to kitchen to eat something... I really wanted to eat something like I ordered a  zinger burger with double cheese...and hot choclate... as I love choclate.. and some fries...

I asked ibraheem " do you want to order something"

"No i have already eaten something" he answered

" okii" I said.... I didn't ask mommi cuz she doesn't eat fast food and will scold me for eating them... she always says

" your health is the most important thing.. so eat healthy food"

I really understand her but.. the fast food has it's own place and importance right..!!

I slept afterwards... and woke up at 6am next day... I ate breakfast then cleaned the house.. then sat on my bed going through social media.. I saw time it was almost 1 pm...

Then my friend called as I talked to her for about 15 mins.. as I then played ludo with my bro
" hey!! I saw you changing the side of the dice!! You stupid" I exclaimed!!

" No ! I didn't.. you must have miss seen!" He defended himself

" No ! I saw you!" With that started our fight..
" you play this again okay!!!" I said
And finally he agreed.. as mum started scolding us both

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