Ch no 28

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After getting the mobile from hadi. I immediately logged into all my accounts and downloaded all my apps. Last seen 19 days ago. It showed. So it had been 19 days since all of that. And my birthday also passed in those days. O how much I wish that I would be home. O how much I wish that I would be playing with my brother. I would have gotten alot of presents.But gotta stick to reality, only half of that.

It took me almost 2 hours to complete logins. I had got 300 messages. I red all of them . Most of them were from my foreign friends. Others I guess ibraheem would have told them, but the messages were making me cry again. Most of them were of happy birthday haya! But no reply from me then they were..

Where are you haya? Haya you there? Haya are you okay? Hey why aren't you replying? And this and that. A lone tear escaped my eyes . Immediately I cleared it. "Be strong! Stupid!" I said to myself and took a deep breath.

I didn't red all of them I just closed my that account and made a new one. An excuse for everyone whom messages I didn't replied. I would simply say that I changed my account and couldn't contact you back.

After logging in I heared isha azan. Even though I already slept for 6 hours. I was to much tired but my tiredness seems to fade . I performed ablution and shared everything with my lord. Including those things that I was feeling. As I shared all the thoughts al the burden disappeared , I still couldn't fathom anything but the relief I was getting was extra good for me. Finishing my prayer I heared my belly grumble. I ate almost hours ago ! And it has been two days since I am here. Everything really is moving faster , I am trying to match my speed with it.

Entering the kitchen I opened the fridge and saw lots of dishes. There was no one in the hall nor in the dining room. Where is everyone? But I am thankful that I didn't met hadi . Idk why?

I heat up the leftover biryani. And sat on the table and ate . It really was spicy. Drinking water I heared someone's foot steps.

I turned around to see who it was? Sahil!

"Salam! Sahil , where were you all day?" I said my salam and he replied with a warm smile. Answering the question loaded with my salam.

"Wa.salam haya! And I was just out after the fight"

"Fight? What fight and with whom? Did you get hurt?" I loaded him with questions again..

"No it's nothing and I didn't get hurt. Just an argument with hadi." Okay! So what type of argument did they really had that caused him to go out! Cleaning my dishes I stood there crossed arms. He gulping the glass full of water turned his attention towards me.

"Would you like to tell me what type of argument you two had that caused you to move out?" I asked him raising a brow. Almost dramatically! I liked talking in this way.

"Just something stupid ! Now will you let me drink my water peacefully!"

"But you already finished that!" I said raising my brow again.

"Uh! O yeah. Actually you really are annoying" saying this he put the glass on the shelf and left the kitchen making me giggle at his childish behavior. Laughing at my self and at him , I left the kitchen and went to my room. There was no sleep in my eyes so I decided to go through social media.

There I saw a news " Hassan the son of a bilionare traveling to spain." I looked at his picture. He was looking the same! The same like he was when he captured me.

Him going away made me happy and a little sad too. Sad because all of those days came down crashing on me. But still there is an invisible cover that is holding me from falling down.

THE DESTINY BELIEVER (a muslim love story)Where stories live. Discover now