Ch no 29

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I don't know whether it's good for me that I am going from here, or is it? It's just my fate and is written for me . Every being comes in this world with their fate written. But is time harsh on me or it's just me who is thinking? No doubt! It's my fault but also the fault of anger that was in me. Anger brought me this misery. Is it really my misery? But worst things happen in this world to girls like me or some other. This world is harsh, but there are some good people that exist. Somewhere or may be near you, maybe your life partner or maybe your soul mate. But love comes in different way it's something else. But me going to army. Will it bring happiness to me? Maybe! In some ways it is better for me! I can't leave those whom are my happiness. But my happiness is in reciting quran and offering namaz. When I share everything with my lord. The only creator of this world !

4 years later:

October 30! 5:30 pm...

Time really pass fast, Like my life. Moving on was really a difficult task for me. I am now an army investigator team's leader. My work isn't a burden on me. I would just have to check out everyday and will start the investigation about terrorist when I'll get information or request from army headquarters. I made only one friend.. Her name is Inayah. A cute girl..I didn't contacted any of my family members back then 4 years ago. Even we were allowed to every weekend but I didn't wanted to. Maybe I was punishing myself. But my hands themselves won't touch the phone. I got call every day. Every day the officer would tell me that I got a call from home. I only told him that tell them that we are not allowed to talk.

It was like they disappeared or I made them disappear for some time. During this time I was so known the most cold person. Cold was my act towards everyone even though there was a fire burning inside me , ready to melt me. But maybe! I wasn't ready to let it out. I would pray every day. I was becoming stronger day by day.

And Inayah ! She doesn't know anything. She knows nothing but still she was like a stem to a flower. She lacked confidence and I helped her gain it. I would say what she wanted to say. She says I helped her alot , but infact! It wasn't me who was helping her. I was sent as a help from Allah for her.

The day when she first talked to me was :

We all gathered in the ground at 6:am sharp. The officers were checking that whether we are in our proper uniform or not. Inayah on the other hand was a bit late! She stood beside me and I could see her panicking. I looked at her she wasn't wearing belt and I knew she'll get punished for that.

Opening my belt I immediately handed it over to her as the officer (soldier. In army soldiers call everyone officers) moved to the girl beside me. She looked at me but immediately put it around her waist. I was punished to run 20 rounds . She waited for me and when I finished running "okay ! Be careful next time" the officer said and went. She on the other hand ran towards me and gave me the bottle of water..She actually is a shy girl but she gained confidence after meeting me. That's when we bacame friends.

Today! I am returning back. Sitting in the bus seat I looked out from the window, the sun was about to fall down and the view was beautiful because of the mountains. The shade of trees covering the bus. And I stared out side. There weren't only girls at the center there were boys too. But there resting rooms were a little away from ours.

I rested my head at the head seat and stared outside. Hearing to the beautiful music that was being played in my ears. I wasn't wearing any head phones nor I was listening to it. It was my mind, my mind's humming. And I loved it. Not thinking about what I'll do or say when I'll meet everyone. I want this travel to never end. The bus to continue being like this. But it can't , that's making me sad!

I reached back at where we all gathered when we had to leave from here. I looked at the place and took a deep breath. I am wearing my soldier uniform with my head covered with a scarf. Neither did I informed anyone that I'll be returning. Even if they know about my arrival they'll first confirm it with me first.

I went and got into my car that was gifted as a gift from the head quarters. They told me that I'll have to travel by bus first and then when I'll reach at the area I'll find my car. Only 4 students were gifted these beautiful black car. I know to drive I learnt it as it was a part of our training. I sat and started the car. I was driving with 200 per speed. I reached near my home and looked at the same mansion that was looking a little old.. "Past" I said to myself and smiled. I have become enough strong and a fighter . Even all those memories were flashing back but I kept on accepting them. Everything did happened to me and I did survived and I  am not weak anymore. I drove to my home and parked my car near by. I knocked and opened a handsome boy. "Ibraheem!!"

I screamed "hayaa you are back!!" . I didn't huged him instead I saluted!! "Soldier haya" he excalimed saluting me back and then pulled me in a brone crushing hug.

"Who is it ibraheem" I heared another voice. Mum!

I looked at her and she looked at me with tears of happiness in her eyes. She covered her mouth. And whispered " I am dreaming right" I went over to her and saluted " No mum it's reality" she hugged me . I don't know why what I thought was dead in me is awake again. I am feeling the same love towards them again.

"Let's go inside!" Spoke ibraheem and mum nodded.

"What is cooked mum my stomach is kicking me for food" I spoke caressing my stomach. And they both laughed.

"We know foodie" spoke ibraheem and I glared at him . " you have grown too much ibraheem I think" I spoke laughing. "Shut up!"

"O stop you two!" Mum shouted from kitchen

"She started it mum" he complained.

"Ugh! Behave ibraheem" I looked at him and raised my brow dramatically. "Stupid! You haven't changed!" He spoke looking annoying. I went to the kitchen and helped my mother cook. I ate first then went to my room.

It haven't changed even a bit. It is cleaned and as beautiful as it was. I went in remembering those beautiful days. I opened my closet and saw all of my clothes. They are still the same. Then I sat on my bed and touched the sheet remembering when I'll jump on it. Giggling at myself! Then I went to take a shower and changed, and after that I offered my namaz. I slept..

Hadi's pov

Time moves, life moves. Never did I thought I'll be affected by her leave. With much difficulty I made it. But now I don't care. All the one whom I loved left. My father whom I couldn't meet, and haya whom I don't love anymore. It was love that I was in not any type of sympathy. But I was too late to realize , but am thankful I realized it late or else it would have been difficult to leave her.

My father, her uncle. Who died after three years she left. It was already difficult but now it is even more. My father was about to come to visit us. He contacted us a few days before his news of death. He died in a car accident when he was going to market. I was supposed to hear " I have returned son!" Not "your father is no more because of car accident" I always missed my father and was too happy to surprise him by what I have became . A famous hotelier, soon to be. My restaurants are most loved and liked and they are super duper beautiful. What made me even more famous I was the youngest hotelier in the whole town. I have became a cold person now and don't want to be my real self again. All of that love is now vanished .

Little did he know that love will live again when he'll see her.

I stopped praying. Everything was taken away from me. Why should I ask for anything if my prayers are not being listened? First those stupid feelings then my turning of life..

My mother called me in her room " hadi, son haya have returned"

What really? She have returned. "Okay"

"You should go meet her tommorow"

"I am a little busy tommorow!" I spoke. I don't want to go there.

"Okay but you should make some time to go visit her . She'll be happy" she spoke wanting to convince me.

"I'll see" I spoke and immediately left her room. Go to meet her? Never!


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