Ch no 40

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"But I don't wanna go with you!" I denied him just like he did. "But I am taking you with me!" He spoke, I decided not to fight him. I don't know but this stranger is like he is known to me. If hassan can leave me to him, then it means that he is well trusted by him. But my heart tells me to trust him, still my brain doesn't process anything. I have many questions to ask. How did I get here? What happened before? Who is this man? I know his name is hadi! This name rolles on my tongue so smoothly like I used to call it all the time. My conscience keeps on telling me that something is not okay, but I can't catch up to anything. Actually I really don't want to. It's just complicated for me.

"Why? It's me who wants to go out not you!" I tried again!

"Hassan left you to me, he asked me to take care of you!" That was enough to shut my mouth. I should have attempted to stop hassan, I should not have let him go!

I lost and he went in the room to put the food on the table beside the bed. My hunger died because the time he took to bring everything was like years. He took me outside and the thing that amazed me was that I didn't felt uncomfortable at all.

This thing is confusing me all the more, and I actually want to leave this hell hole hospital. I don't know but I am hating this place!

When we exited the hospital, I felt so much at ease, my heart relaxed and so did my soul, my body and my brain. It felt like years have passed since I have ever felt like this. Ignoring the feeling that he was beside me, I attempted to feel all those feelings that were igniting a shine in my heart, and a smile on my face.

I kept my eyes closed for some minutes. Everything was feeling very odd. After staying there for I don't know how much hours, he took me back inside. GOod thing that he also stayed quite. After going in the same room, I sighed and he left somewhere, while a nurse came in my room. She helped me sit on the bed. Do I have a family? This was the last thought. If there was then they would be here, I would not be left with this known stranger! This was the only question that I could answer myself. And then my eyes felt heavy, and I dozed off.

Hadi's pov:

I went inside without knocking and saw her sleeping. She looked peaceful while she slept. I actually went to preheat the food, as she didn't ate anything. Nor did I! I wanted to eat with her. Now the food will also get into dump, so I decided to give it to poor children. Leaving her with a nurse, I went out and bought many sweets and choclates and chips and some other items to eat and gave it all to four kids  that I could find there, who were sitting near the street. I felt happy, and I asked them if they had any parents. One of the girl told me that they were left on the streets after there mother and father died, and the four of them were siblings. Her brother told me that they had to live on streets in order to live and get food. He also told me that he wanted to go to school and become a big man.

Listening to the desires of these children, I called the orphanage centre and explained them the whole situation. They were happy and so were the children that they can get a roof over there heads. And I felt a light of happiness in my heart.

"There are not much people like you out there" one of the female members spoke.

"My pleasure!" I answered her. If today I did this good deed and helped someone to build up there dreams, I was happy, and I know Allah will be also happy by my this act.

After leaving the children to them, I left to get to her. Just then when I entered the room, I saw her talking to the nurse whom I asked to accompany her. I could see her smiling but as soon as she saw me, the smile disappeared. I wanted to go away just to make her smile like that. the twitching of her sides of lips and the sparkling of her eyes is all I wish for. But now I continued to walk towards her.

"Okay! I think I should give you both some time." yes yes! go on that's what I want I started to think in my mind. To tell the truth I actually don't know what I shall do? But if this is what is written for me then I am okay with it. As long as she is with me, she is the cause that my life is complete. she didn't said anything and when the nurse was about to leave "Come to meet me again!" she said and the nurse with blonde hair smiled at her while nodding. By looking at her it was confirmed that she was not a muslim. "she is a christian" she answered my thoughts making me look at her , boring into her eyes.

she looked away immediately 'seems like it!' I answered after a while. well this is actually awkward. I continued to stay silent .and she didn't bothered to start a conversation, instead she continued to read the book that was beside her. Just when I was busy in my thoughts, actually staring at her still beside her giving her small glances while she continued to sink in another world. I could see a small smile on her face that was making her look all the more adorable. With the passage of time she'll be okay and will be in my arms.


he continued to drive, while I looked outside the window. The view outside was beautiful and trees passed one after the other. It seemed like the trees were walking , the thought had me smile. Three weeks are that I spent with him, and I actually became very close to him. He is a good person. I was anxious that where he would take me? I continued to stare out but I could tell that he was giving me small glances. His eyes as still known for me and when ever look in them, It becomes hard to break the contact. I don't know, but still I remmember that I love black colour, By the passage of time, it feels like I forgot everything for a while but now I have started to remember it all. I can actually tell by looking at the house. By what the doctors told me I only know that my spinal cord was damaged but they said that it has recovered.

The car halted in it's tracks and a very familiar house came infront of me. It was beautiful and damn beautiful. I continued to stare at . AS the memory of him and me holding hands came infront of my eyes. It was so confusing, yet I just brushed the thought of!

The huge gates opened when he pushed a button and he parked the car in. A lot of memories flashed in my mind. I looked at my left and I could remember he and me sitting on the swing that was large a type of sofa but it was not. Again finding it hard, I glanced at him, he said nothing the whole drive! It was so confusing, that it looks like that we both have lived here together.

he paced towards the door, it was almost sunset. the sun was hiding under the clouds as it was setting down. A memory of him and me watching sunset flashed in my mind. I knew it was true, Because I was so sure of it. And I knew that all of this is done by me.

I saw him standing beside the open door staring at me. I still remained cool and didn't showed him much difference. Who is he for me?

I went in and stared at the inside of house. All the memories flashed back. Him and me kissing. getting married , me getting kidnapped by hassan, he abusing me, me forgiving him, anaya, the house where we both spend days, and the accident all of that! I remembered everything. Tears filled my eyes, and I found him staring at me. I remembered it all, all the confessions, he crying form to wake up! he telling me that he turned to Allah. I fell for this man who was in front of me. EACH AND EVERYTHING!

" I am sorr..." That was all I could say and he paced towards me and hugged me tightly. He suffered because of me! "I am really sorry!" I continued to say while being in his arms! As warm tears escaped my eyes like a waterfall and I felt pain in my heart just because he was in pain because of me! If he wanted he could have left me like that, over there but no! It was love that made him stick to me, even when I thought that I never knew this man.

I continued to cry like that "No! I am the one who is sorry! I shouldn't had let you drive that..." I placed a finger on his lips "hush! don't say that!" I scolded him. "I am more sorry.." I still cried and cried in that position as he kissed my forehead. "AT least! you are okay!" he spoke and I looked up at him and I could see tears in his eyes. the corners of his eyes threatning to let the tears fall!

He held me up in his arms, swaying me in the air, because I was weak due to all those medications and treatments. He landed me on the sofa as he sat beside me still hugging my side.
"Now! Stop crying! You remmember it all! I knew it one day you will!"

I hummed while I embraced the warmness more.

"You know what I missed the most?" He asked me. I could see happiness and the way he was smiling. I was also soo much  happy! I thanked Allah in my mind that everything turned to normal. I thanked him for giving me a life again!

THE DESTINY BELIEVER (a muslim love story)Where stories live. Discover now